Fashion Designer, Jason Wu with model, from The NY Times
Jason Wu, the 26 year old fashion designer has wooed me over with his creations. Suddenly, I feel invigorated by his designs and his fresh face too. How thrilling for this young man to have been chosen to design the First Lady's dress for her first dance. For the first time in years, I have drug out my old sewing machine in hopes of creating a wooable and wearable garment.
Many years ago, I would stay up all night just to make something that I saw, so that I could wear it the next day. A feeling of being so excited to make something, that I could not sleep and not even feel the least bit tired the next day. What has wooed you lately?
My five year old starting school wooed me ... it made me all excited about making lunchboxes, packing schoolbags and coming over all Waltons-esque!
I know the feeling well. It is indeed fun to get excited about firsts! I still get excited about back to school and making lunch. Leave a love note or a little treat.
I only wish I was that talented! Maybe knitting a scarf but thats a small scale in comparsion.
Knitting a scarf is wonderful. Living in Germany, so many great stores with patterns and fabric, I would be in heaven!
Wooo... how exciting! Will you share your beautiful creations with us? I made one of my prom dresses years ago. How I wish I still had that little frock.
Your paintings, along with with your talent for sewing... I am really seeing something special coming to fruition.
I have just recently seen the beautiful work of Boston designer Sarah Campbell.
I am woooed, inspired, and ready for spring!
We made our first diorama the other day... it was SO woo-tiful!
Hi pve,
Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words. I do not like feeling under the weather. Your idea of a little fun reward might be just whet I need along with more mint tea. At this point in my life I have enough jackets and shoes to clothe all of Bali, so art supplies or an art book it may be.
Great blog. Love the illustrations (especially Bailey) and the belts. I cried my way through dinner in Bali after reading Marley and me. It is going to be a sad day when Sophie is no longer in my life.
I LOVE that feeling of excitement when inspired by a project! And I miss the times when I wouldn't be tired the next day!!! I've actually been thinking about all the talented women I've been reading about who have started families, their own businesses, blogs, etc., and who don't seem to be afraid to try hard. I am wooed by their will and determination.
I love this post! I wish I had the skills that it sounds like you have to make clothing. You described perfectly the feeling of being inspired. The other day I was browsing a local designers boutique and walked out wantitng to run home and start creating something, anything!
i agree! he is so fabulous.
That dress was so fabulous! I used to sew, my mother taught me when I was ten. That and jewelry making are not my passion right now though, it is creating my paintings. A fabulous clothing design is certainly a work of art!
I just stayed up until 2am last night working on a new needlepoint canvas (tsk tsk...because this morning I am exhausted). Oh, but it is just so pretty...
I think I joined the blog world to woo and hopefully to inspire some woos! This rainy Monday morning I'm seeking out the awe inspiring. I need a pick-me-up, besides the third cup of coffee!
As always, thank you for the great post. You always woo us!
Urban Outfitters believe it or not. They've revamped with cutting edge emerging fashion photographers and paired up with lots of upcoming young designers (sort of like Target only more edgy) and going in there is like entering another dimension. Plus they carry all kinds of great 60s plastic cameras and books I want!
lately, the urging of a good friend (and great artist) to start drawing again...sketchpad and pen stand at the ready...
what a wonderful question, beautifully framed! lovely job, pve!
He is fabulous!!
Oooh. Can't wait to see the results of your sewing labors. Will you post for us?
You wooed me over that not only are you a talented artist, poet and now seamstress! I can't wait to see the final creation.
Yes he is amazing! I'm so glad a fresh face was given the opportunity to create such a beautiful dress.
I would like to woo myself and take up a painting class..There is a sign "Art Classes"..and the phone no. in front of an old church I drive by..it is wooing me to call the number!
oooh that table in the background ! woahhh
He looks like such a together young man from what I havae read and at such a young age! But...I was not a fan of her dress! Yikes, I said it!
I know it was a love hate thing, her dress, I did love that it was fresh and the fabric looked delicate for such a strong lady. I think it would have been more expected to see something tailored, and not soft like that dress. I do love your honesty Tara.
Do you remember the old Haley Mills movie The Trouble With Angels? Well, it was one of my favourites when I was a little girl. It was set in a convent and the Mother Superior, unbeknowst to the girls there, used to be a famous seamstress in Paris. There is a scene in the movie in which she stays up all night fashioning the most beautiful ball gown to help one of the students who has gotten behind. I always found it so fascinating that one person could actually make something so exquisite. Your post reminded me of that scene. I can now picture you doing the exact same thing!!
Oh, and I do agree about Mr. Wu's designs! They are lovely.
A little over 3 months ago when I started my blog I didn't sleep for most of the weekend. I went to bed at 11:30 pm on Saturday night, got up at 3:00 am, I was completely obsessed with the first few posts I wrote and I just had to get them out of my head! Now I can say I'm officially addicted. That was the last time I felt wooed. When I'm shopping and decorating for a client and it all comes together, those are other times I forget to eat. That I get to get in my car every day and do what I love, makes me want to pinch myself, I feel so lucky!
colour me happy-
I know, blogging is a great way to get motivated along with the incredible positive energy streaming in - in the form of comments, like yours.
we are lucky to do what we love.
carry on colourfully!
going to get that movie...sounds like my kinda film.
Right now I'm running on adrenaline for getting up and going on my own! I'm crafting my own new life...although I'm sure I don't know the end result yet!
Your talent amazes me...painting, knitting, sewing, writing...I am inspired.
I'm just pleased that he chose to be photographed in a shirt and tie instead of exposed tattoos and ripped jeans. The first step in winning my sartorial trust.
My comfortable bed. :-)
Though Wu's not too shabby either!
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