In an effort to streamline and organize, I reached out to my divine concierge for some professional help. In a matter of hours, the piles of paper were edited and filed away in designated spots. Items that were no longer needed were carted away to find a home and not a landfill. My divine concierge is all about working with a "green" attitude. File folders for filing, and a sweet file for sweet savings all at my fingertips.
File Folders suddenly became host to a clear list of categories. From piles to files all in a matter of minutes. Do you need a personal concierge to come to your home or your office and give you that gentle push to organize an area, clean out a closet to free up space? The act of letting go in order to gain space or freedom from clutter is an incredibly positive experience which I highly recommend. How would you benefit from having your very own personal concierge?
I hope I leave you inspired.
Nice to get that extra nudge from the experts. I would LOVE to have her for a day! I need more information about this.
I would love it. I'm currently designing a logo for a personal organizer and afraid to show her my office!
you have no idea !!!
yes, yes, yes.
i must say, this post has motivated me.
Love your new header! This is such a fabulous idea and reminder, and something I should do today! Actually, I think I may invest in some pretty file folders and a hanging file stand. Nothing like a spring clean for piles!
I love your new header! And yes I do need a personal concierge. weekly as a matter of fact. Life would be so much nicer. I'm looking for a pile of papers right now that I can't seem to find. Ugh!
WOW, your blog looks fantastic:) A personal concierge would be wonderful, it's always easier to see objectively someone else's chaos and make better sense of it all!
BTW, thought you might be interested, we are GIVING AWAY A FREE FRAME on our blog in celebration of our 1 year blogiversary. Come on by and enter if you would like to win:)
I love your new header too! I think I hadn't had quite enough coffee earlier to notice it there!
Just got done organizing my corner of desk! Feels good knowing everything is done and where it should be. Love the new header!
Looks wonderful! I love the spring picture. All the best!
Yes, I need a little of this! We are actually pretty organized, thanks to my husband but still...this looks pretty fantastic.
Wow, how long have you had that fancy new header? Love it.
These stickers are FAB. I'm having a paper addiction meltdown right now.
I love the "personal concierge" and it is done in bright colors making organizing fun.
I love the header! xoxo
I'm inspired, I'm inspired! Wanna do it tonight!
I love your new header!! I have thought about hiring someone to come organize parts of my house that I never seem to fully finish: the garage, playroom closet, etc.
Love it, great idea! I am new to the blogging community as of early 2009. Check it out at www.thenaptimechef.blogspot.com. Maybe someday I will luck out and have a PVE designed banner! :) In the mean time, enjoy. Also, I should mention that I really love the color wool you used for your daughter's knit hat. Now, time to organize my desk...
As I cannot even see my desktop at the moment, I would say that I'm most certainly inspired. And a wee bit guilty.
DO tell more---it seems like a GREAT concept.
PVE, thanks for the kinds words, you inspired me to set up a blog. It is just a start and simple so be gentle with me. Yes I can help anyone whose asks for it, I am here to de-junk you and make you feel better. Love My Divine
I am generally pretty organized, but I definitely have moments where I would love to let someone come in and deal with everything for me! This sounds perfect.
This would be my dream come true! I'm dying to have someone take a look at my space and give me new fresh ideas. Also, I would love it if they could break the news to my husband that he doesn't need all 30 fraternity shirts from college. Maybe he could pair down just a touch!
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