While perusing the many splendidly stocked shelves
at F-A-O Schwarz in New York City, a book caught my eye, "The Secret of Play" - written by Anne Pleshette Murphy. I was drawn to the attractive cover and that a toy store was touting the secret of play.
Engaging in an activity for enjoyment is certainly one that we need to allow time for not only as children, but as adults too. In a world where every ounce of time seems to be scheduled and accounted for, when we stop to play, all the secrets are revealed to inspire imagination and creativity.
What is your secret for balancing play in your life or for those that could benefit from a healthy play date?
Now I want to check out this book. Play for me is often the same as my work-I love it! It's relaxing and I enjoy the process of watching it all come together.
Must admit to playing Wii this weekend with my family and that was fun and a workout.
yes, we are fortunate that our work gives us pleasure!
wii is fun! hope we get to schedule a play date with one another one day!
have a warm & wonderful day!
my favorite game is people-watching!
who wants to play?
Someone said to me once, that they could remember the moment where they started to care what people thought of their behaviour, and that was the end of childhood.
As kids we are allowed to run around and act crazy, but also dream and fantasize. Then someone tells us it's dumb,and it's all over...wish we could bring that with us through to adulthood.
My son's teachers always remind us that when they are playing, they are not "just playing" - and I think that is so true.
I'm trying so hard to maintain a degree of silliness for my kids each day - I want them to play as long as possible in life!
you are a definite "playa"
Spending time with children will always remind us to play. You can't help but start to see the world through their eyes. Think about how exciting they can make a cardboard box?
I need to read this book. I don;t get enough playtime in my life.
Oh you must be a wonderful Granny. Mine were so special to me and my children adore their Grandparents. They certainly love play dates and the Grandparents are always happy to return them too.
it says til age 12 but I think there are a lot of worthwhile things to inspire one at any age.
This book looks great. I will have to see if I can find it. One is never to old to play.
Heidi me too! I'll play with you!
What a great book. I tend to be a bit too serious at times so this book sounds great. We should all I little more fun and play time in our lives.
Looks like a great find! I set a time when I'm going to stop something and go to bed, or relax or whatever. It's the only thing that works for me - otherwise I get absorbed in a project and never stop.
I really did think of you when I saw that book as you do such a brilliant job with "play" - your passion for creating a positively imaginative and playful life.
permission to play more granted!
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