Ball - 20 x 20 photograph - "mind games"
Artistic Photographer - Julie Blackmon
Hope each of you are having a ball buster of a long weekend full of fun and games and taking time to honor your inner child.
The above photo is from the work of Julie Blackmon.
I found her here.
Take a look at her amazing photos which are a keen observation of domestic life and the chaos
which often ensues. The color photos are for sale.
My posts will be light this week as my own children are on winter break causing chaos, and we are in hopes to have a ball with one another.
What a magical moment to capture. Enjoy your week and have a ball! xoxo
my favorite thing about that photo is the "proud" factor that the little girl conveys in her body language, while showing her undies is totally unbeknown to her. Children are so uninhibited.
What great photographs! I think I have seen the one of the little girl with the red mittens...but I can't think where. Thank you, thank you for such a great link. You have a ball...
Delightful! Have a wonderful week with your children, Patricia
I need a mind shift - all that ball makes me feel is guilty because I'm not working out. Ugh.
The photography is wonderful - enjoy your break!
Enjoy your time with the family and I'm sure you have some pretty fabulous things in store for them this week!
Great photo!!
Have a ball with your babies! My parents are here having a nice President's Day with my little ones, so everyone is happy. My daughter has announced that she wants to be a "sew girl" when she grows up - just received a lacing card set and loves it! She's having a ball.
Have a Happy Week!
Love the picture. I hope you have a great week with the kids off from school. Enjoy it all.
I got laid off last week. So at first was a bit angry.sad, but now I'll time to meet up with you during the week. So yay to that!!
Happy Post V day to you---hope you enjoy the vaca with your kids...I will be hopping into manhattan for 3 days to visit my son (make sure he's eating!!) and see some sights! Enjoy the time with your kids!
I had a ball being away- but there's no place like home- click-click!
I am sure you're having a ball! I had a wonderful weekend...almost enough fun to flash my undies. :-)
Gearing up for a couple of hard days of work, then fun on the slopes...I so need to stretch my limbs out stat...
Love that picture - it reminds me of my Kate. :) Have a wonderful Winter Break week!
I hope you have a great week "off" with the kids, Patricia. Thanks for your sweet comment, as always!
Her work is adorable! I love it. What a point of view.
Have a great week with the kids!
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