As you may already have read in my prior posts, I had the pleasure of attending a free art event where painters bring their studio outdoors and paint amongst other artists. If you look closely you will see an
artist situated to the right of the fountain.

When I walked through Central Park, there happened to be a New York Road Runners race and as much as I thought about trying a marathon, I could not wait to arrive at the Passport Palette
and to share one of the most beautiful spots in New York City. From time to time, runners would stop, take a seat along the edge of the fountain. I could not resist adding this fit couple who took a rest. There were runners of all ages and I was impressed with how fit and how happy they were after running the marathon.

How happy I was to be able to observe and speak freely to other artists who traveled to paint.
Kathy Anderson selected a perfect spot to paint. My sister-in-law (lady in the purple dress) joined me in the park. She was happy to see so many artists out and the lawyer in her surely helped to peruse the situation and report all the facts back to me. She even came back with the camera crew for a quick interview, from the wonderful gentleman at Passport and Palette. It is nice to know that I can count on my family to act as my agent and pr firm.
Geoffrey Barbey, a friend and teacher who joined me amongst the painters in Central Park.
For those of you who do not know Geoffrey, he is a wonderful teacher and has an incredible sense of humor. I called him to come out and paint and he was thrilled to be there, in his element.

Mr.Tony Bennett came out to paint too. I love a man of many talents.
What are you waiting for, start painting!

James Asher painting away. He was a delightful gentleman.
I adore his work. The detail is incredibly awe inspiring!

I walked around to observe others who came out to paint.
Her work was so rich, so thick and so full of detail.

Next time you are in Central Park, take a seat and stretch to cool down or better yet, paint.
No need to be shy or feel that you are not good enough. Just start, sketch, paint or bring your camera to capture a day in the park.
Thank-you to my dear
sister for telling me about this event.
My only wish is that you were there painting beside me.