Each of us would love a little spot to go to, no permission needed, just a place for quiet, a place to slow down. Today, take yourself to a site and be silent. Stop and allow yourself to listen. Refrain from chatter and witness the humble qualities of your own silence. There are no expectations when there is calm, but there are suddenly answers realized in gratefulness.
Gratitude is therefore the heart of inner solitude. During this time of lent, many are fasting or practicing some sort of personal penance in hope for an awakening. Give yourself permission to hope for just that, witness an open and contrite heart. The sacrifice you make requires silence and reflection. Personal permission to be humbled.
Well said!
I picture you in Germany, enjoying a quiet morning.
What lovely words to wake up to.
These are really the best hours of the whole day aren't they? This is when I am most reflective and go to my inner place.
Witnessing the dawn of a new day, truly, we are blessed. Savour it my friend.
Your words are so calming and true. My time is to be one step ahead as daylight starts to wake up. A new day that is untouched. I have been a early riser for years, when I would complain I wish I could sleep longer (or wake up during the night), my mom would tell me that these are the time God wants to talk to me. Of course at a young age I would say why couldn't he pick a time when I'm up. I now embrace the stillness and silence to greet the new day.
you must be anticipating the dawn of a new day and a new year head. I go at a clip, crash and then awake renewed and the silence is my time, a golden time for listening and direction.
Thank you for your encouraging words on personal reflection, prayer, and peace, especially during this time of Lent.
...and what are you in hopes for?
I bet I know.
The potential of a new day is awesome! Great paining!
Absolutely! Beautiful illustration and post.
Always a great idea!
Yes, so important. A package is on it's way to you! Hopefully it will help with quiet relaxation and calm.
If the door were open I would walk right in and take a nap! Love this peaceful post-
I love the Cape Cod house -
I love taking time for peace and meditation.
I envision you in a colorful quiet spot, perhaps enjoying a sunset and the warmth of the sand.
I am looking forward to my package of calm.
Wonderful post...thank you so much for visiting me! It gave me a chance to come meet you. I am off now to spend a little quality reading through your past posts.
Oh, I wish I had a little cottage like that to get away to. I could use a bit of reflection time.
That is the trick isn't it? And, as you say, it can only come with reflection.
Now this is quite creepy... did you sneak in my house and read what I wrote about my dream house on the beach last night? Because you've painted it in your picture!
I am working on a goal/dream achievement/LOA exercise and had to dream of what my perfect day would look like. And my house description matches your painting perfectly. Very cool indeed!
Welcome! I bet working on your mosaics must give you time to reflect. I have always wanted to try a mosaic. A puzzle - every piece tells the story.
Lovely illustration. I'd love to have a little place to go to for my reflection alas, no. Just in my mind.
So beautiful. You are so talented. Thanks for the inspiring post!
a little salt box would be nice, I'd be happy to share it. we could take turns reflecting.
As always, you are filled with wonderful thoughts and words!
poetry, my friend. simply lovely sentiment. will try to remember this beyond the next few weeks.
Beautifully moving post, dear Patricia.
I have seen your profile around many blogs that i visit and thought i would stop by..great blog.
Ronda -
love when my regulars pay a call and leave me a comment.
thanks for stoppin in girl.
Beautiful post, beautiful picture.
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