Question, who uses the front door, really? I think it would make perfect sense to design a house with a faux front door. A clever sign stating that you are in the kitchen or the garden with an arrow to the side door would be witty and fun, right!
So, do you have a side door or a back door that you use as your entrance?
Coming home sideways sounds good to me.
Our little apartment has only one door! So everyone has to come in and out the front door. But I also think that in SoCal it is much more common to only use your front door. Growing up, I never knew anyone who used their side door instead. A regional difference, maybe?
If the side door is that beautiful - what is the front door like? Your work is always wonderful. I will hire you one of these days to do our home.
We come and go through the side door -friends and family there too. UPS, salesmen, and strangers to the front door.
So wonderful catching up here...we have done Jump Rope for Heart and it's fun and a great cause...baby Harrison is adorable! Glad you are getting organized...and we use the sidedoor so much I need to get out on the front porch and dust off the cobwebs once in awhile! Thanks for spreading some sunshine during these gray Feb days!
Another beautiful home illustration. I bet your clients won't mind if it's a bit late. We have a front door and then the door everyone uses that is located between the front door and then the garage- the "breezeway" I think ... My grandmother had a little illustration in her kitchen that said something like~ "Back door guests are the best".
Since I live in a condo, this door discussion really doesn't apply to me, but I do wish I had a side door that looked like the one you rendered above.
Your work is so beautiful, P.
Oh, I so agree! People always feel they need a proper front door, proper living room, proper dining room (with a messy family room hidden away somewhere where all of the 'living' takes place). I say - design your entire house for daily life! No more 'front doors'!
You know my house with my bright front door, but we have our "side" door that's always mistaken for the front! The dangers of living on a corner lot...
This would be funny to put a faux door on the front and a camera to watch!
As the saying goes "All good things come to those who wait"! I'm sure your client will be very happy to have this beautiful treasure waiting for their return.
We rarely use our front door. I think there are 14-17 stairs to our front door, so my joke is someone realllly wants to come and see me if they come to our front door!
We go through the garage door through the basement up the stairs and most of the time our friends come this way too. It seems more inviting for me to have my family and friends enter our home as we do. xoxo
We have a side door, but for some reason, only the hubby uses it. I like the front door, and one of my fave things in this world, is sitting with my varmints on the stoop on summer evenings :-)
Longtime follower, first time commenter! It's only a matter of time before I come knocking on your website door for an illustration!
No one in Maine ever uses the front door! Why track all that mud in through the front hall? Of course, living in in an apartment in DC, I don't have too many options...though I admit that I looooove sneaking in the service door in the back of the building and thereby avoiding the overly chatty door woman!
Simply beautiful! Alas we only have a front door on the first floor - multiple deck doors higher up...
Hi Patricia
Great new Blog Header!!!
We have an alley entrance so we use our back door the most - our guests use the front.
Your illustration is so beautiful I love it. It makes me want to order one of my own home.
Completely committed to the back door. Probably due to my blue collar roots!
I ADORE the header. Love.
Mostly through the garage and into the back door. It's more secure, especially at night. But, occasionally, I'll leave or enter -- like a gentleman -- through the front.
I almost always use the front door because my house is long and narrow (typical Brooklyn, NY house), and I'm very close to my neighbors. In summer I have my back door open all the time, but we still come amd go through the front.
You always have witty ideas. And this picture is so tempting to move right in!
I love this illustration. It's fantastic, Patricia!
The shore house back door...not as inviting as the front. Through a gate, down a side yard, somewhat hidden. But my front door is under a covered porch, with happy white rockers and surrounded by flowers and decorations as the season permits. I've been an apartment dweller all of my adult life so I've loved creating a welcoming passage into our home. I hope my guests think so, too. :-)
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