"knitting a story" from french blogger here
my knitting -2 x 2, knit stitch - yarn from flying fingers, Tarrytown, NY
Each week, for about an hour or two, a gaggle of local geese flock together to knit stories and to network. Idle chatter reigns while we each work on our own various projects with sticks and string or needle and thread.

My dear one, sporting her hat at morning drop-off. Oops, somebody missed the bus!
Coffee or tea is poured while we ruminate the nature or our daily existence. Nibbles and nosh are spread out for random bites while we work. Each of us have families, challenges, dropped stitches, knitting and sewing it all together by meeting and networking. Simple to complex projects are made ranging from socks, scarves, sweaters, hats and stitchery, but the real reason we meet is not purely for the needle, but more for the yarns, the stories, and sharing life. We feel connected, our little close knit circle.
Each of us are unique, all coming from varied backgrounds yet sharing a common thread as women, daughters, mothers, and creators. We have nothing to prove as we each humbly open our hearts and our homes to taking our hats off to one another. Do you feel inspired to form your own humble network?
What a nice way of spending time with friends. I love the click, click, click of the needles. Have you read-The Friday Night Knitting
Club? I can send it if you're interested.
Such a cute chapeau for your dear heart.
now I am working on a "boiler wool" hat.
yes, read that book...thanks!
i have a knitting group too - but only once a month -we do soup and chat and knit - but i can never work on anything too complicated because i lose my concentration and make mistakes but i love the camaraderie
oh, that's why I can't work on anything that requires too much attention like a cable - because we all chatter too much and drop stitches, so we spend a bit of time fixing! we do have fun.
I love what happens when women come together in groups... there is something so healing about it. Almost always, the conversation leads to stories of ex-boyfriends, childbirth and mothers. How lucky you are that you found a lovely group to be in! -xoh
You know I'd go crazy without our group. I'm so grateful for it. It amazes me how the same we are in our differences. See you later with needles at the ready! Your Little Miss looks beautiful in her hat. Well done!
We have a different sort of close knit group. Our Sunday morning tennis group meets for coffee and bagel afterwards, men and women... The bagel shop is located within a used book store and the atmosphere is very inviting and cozy. We enjoy catching up with each other and sharing stories about our lives. This started out of nowhere and has been going on for a few years. Always look forward to it.
It is a perfect fit to find a circle of girlfriends that gather and share the same interest.
I have a painting porcelain group of gals that I some times get together with and paint.
My hat to all of girls that knit and sew! Every now and then I think "oh I should try knitting or sewing" again, but I break out in a cold sweat. xoxo
I love hearing about womens groups that have regular meet ups. Book groups, knitting and sewing circles, all good things.
How wonderfully old school is that knitting circle - gathering to share and create. Not as creative, but very fulfilling, is my bible study group that meets on Wednesday nights - 10 women who come together to share His Word and their lives.
Love the hat!
I always wished I had the patience to knit. I've tried a few times to teach myself- but I always get frustrated. I don't have enough time to join a club (although I wish I did!)
When I was younger, my mother was part of a quilting club. She absolutely LOVED it!
Wonderful, I have not learned to knit, and really admire those who can make beautiful hats, scarves, sweaters out of beautifully colorful yarns.
We used to have a knitting group before I moved away. We called ourselves the Knittin' Kittens, but mostly we were the Drinking Kittens!
Once a month a group of six women, ranging in age frome 24 to 44 meets to nibble on various goodies...and knit, needlepoint, cross stitch and quilt. We fix each others dropped stitches, advise on quilt patterns, confer about yarn colors...and fight for the "good" light. It is our time to talk, inspire, and revel in the company of talented women. I am so glad to know that there are others like us out there!
Love to see your handi-work!
I can only imagine it must be stunning.
Knitting is a wonderful way to spend time with friends, dropped stitches and all.
It makes me giggle a little when our brains are on the same waves. I just made a knitting mention yesterday. Now this post makes me want to be in a knitting network.
How comforting and fun all at once.
Funny---I just began reading the Friday night knitting club. I have always wanted to knit but do not know how and reading this and the book make me want to learn...not that I need one more thing to do at this moment in time....
Sounds like a lovely group. I am in a supper club (we meet tonight in fact) with a varied group of women I have known for 11 years. I am the youngest and the oldest in my Mom's age. SOme work, some mother, some grandmother. Some are married others divorced. I love the diversity and camaraderie of our group.
I have not forgotten about the photo. Just have many balls in the air...soon...
I'm so jealous of your knitting! I really want to learn, but just haven't had the time. What a great thing to do with a group of women.
This network sounds wonderful. I would love to have something like that (though I don't knit). I have a book group that is a bit similar. Have you read The Friday Night Knitting Club? Nice work on the hat! - and your daughter is really a cutie!!
What a lovely idea! I keep meaning to learn how to knit (I do crochet), but haven't gotten around to it.
If your knitting is half as good as your incredible self then I think you should learn, there are many tutorials on line and one blog that you should see is "Brooklyn Tweed" a gentleman knitter, quite awe inspiring!
You could make some fun things for your boys and then photograph them. Not that you need any ideas!
love, love, love the hat!!!
Okay now I'm wishing I lived closer... well, wishing that AGAIN is more like it! What a darling little beenie!
i love that first image! I've always wanted to learn to knit, just haven't had the time yet!
Great hat!
What's been so nice for us here in Vancouver, is that there seems to be 6 or more ID industry bloggers; some of us have met, and we instantly connect because of our familiarity.
Michelle :)
i have a few different circles of girlfriends; a professional group of creatives who have become my collective muse, a wine tasting group of moms who have become my strength, and a newly formed all-ages book club who i hope to become my fresh perspective. i strongly believe 'it takes a village' and women are always at the heart of it.
sweet ollie sketch below. 'love me love my dog' indeed.
I love our knitting group. The hat looks better on the daughter!!! So glad to have our Wednesdays. It is my favorite day of the week. Love you guys!!!
I am so glad that I allow myself time to knit, and to inspire - I feel that it is a weekly treat to knit, to talk, to air our worlds. Motherhood and marriage deserve to be shared, the good and the bad. Our positive energy and giving one another room for error makes for a great close knit group.
So many women do not allow for time to do something weekly for themselves. Try it!
Oh...I would loveeeee to learn how to knit, crochet or sew. I've taken a couple of sewing lessons this past year (made a nice bag, if I do say so myself), and I'm determined to get from under my piles of work to embrace the Singer this year. I must!
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