Anyone who has a dog usually lives by the old proverb - "Love me, love my dog" which literally means that you will love someone with all their faults and weaknesses. If you have ever had a dog or been close to someone with a dog, then you know that this is the truth. Love for a dog is like no other. The love a dog gives is also everlasting. In memory of "Ollie" - this illustration was done for his Master as a special gift from a
stylish sister to one cool brother. A work of art to serve as a loving memory and to provide comfort too.
I tear up just thinking about this sweet pup and his owner.
What a beautiful illustration Patricia. I'm sure this will bring comfort as they remember the years spent with their beloved Ollie.
Thank-you for your loyal comment(s)!
I am so fortunate to have such faithful fans who "love me, love my dog."
What a sweet face!! We watched "Year of the Dog" on netflix last weekend. A MUST-see for dog lovers! -xoh
I know - that face is sweet. When I was working on it, I could feel his dog breath, and the wag of his tail.
That's why I love what I do.
Your pet paintings are just amazing, and have that extra...awww....
I know first hand the joy they bring to those who love them.
A very beautiful gift to give a broken heart. I wish I could see Courtney's brother face when he sees this.
Patricia I love how you are able to capture the love.
There is no loyalty and special bond compared to an owner and their dog.
you are so talented! I love your illustrations.
Beautiful! As always. ♡
Pet owners seemto have a big heart! Ilove my Himalyan cat Miss Belle. Beautiful rendering, Patricia.
a beautiful tribute-your readers and admirers are lucky to have your "gifts" so generously given. I have just found a new friend- no not a man- a dog, Zetta. A girl- already so different from MOSES.What a joy! There is a wonderful article- in GARDEN AND GUN by Rick Bragg- "For Better or Worse" that is a delightful read. gardenandgun.com.
Love it Patricia and so did Court - it melted my heart when she emailed it to me... such a thoughtful gift, and a memory that will last forever!! Bravo as usual!!!
Beautiful, Patricia!
My sister Courtney sent me this link as this was the picture she had made for me. This gift means so much to me and I will cherish it forever.
I got Ollie when she was 5 weeks old from a rural town in Louisiana in 1997, it was the last month of my senior year in high school. I am now almost 30 years old and can't explain in words what this dog meant to me and my family. The best part is this piece of art captures just that. She was the best dog I've ever owned and there will never be another like her. Thank you Courtney and thank you Patricia for giving me something to remember my beautiful black lab!
I just love the greying face of an elderly dog. Nothing sweeter in the world. You captured that sweetness perfectly!
He looks like a real sweetheart. Strong and loyal. A treasure.
Patricia - You never ever cease to amaze me! Your talents are as big as your heart!!
Thank you for such a peace-filled and joyful painting during this emotional time. Pets ARE family and having to move on in life without them by your side or greeting you at the door is quite a difficult hump to get over. Michael and his wife adored this perfect rendering of Ollie and it will be forever treasured - just like her. Thank you for the very bottom of my heart!
Michael (Master of Ollie)
Oh, I am so thrilled that you found a little comfort in knowing that this love of your life is at heaven's door.
May he rest in peace and remind you of all the joy he gave, with the wag of a tale or a lick.
New puppy is in order, I hope.
feelings are mutual. When I need some style advice-
you may hear a knockin- cause I know I can count on you to amuse me with your musings.
Aw, Patricia, you have done a lovely job capturing Ollie, but that's something we have come to expect of you. Thanks you so much for your sweet comment - you are a treasure as a friend AND fellow blogger.
Nothing can replace that once in a lifetime bond you can have with a dog. I was fortunate to have it with my previous Westie, Tula. I still have a gaping hole in my heart from her loss.
I love how you've illustrated Ollie's whiskers -- what a noble, wise old dog man he was.
as usual beautiful! you are right- we are loving our 7 month old puppy-
collard green queen,
show me your pup...
He looks like someones dignified, handsome grandfather!
You've captured beautifully their patient (and sometime not) waiting.
I love this one Patricia. You really captured the heart here! Our little Murphy is truly our baby! I was so sick and in the bed all day yesterday, and he knew exactly how to help. He laid by my side all day:) Dogs are so sweet!
well, I love you AND your dog! how's that?
What a great illustration--this dog's expression reminds me of an old man for some reason, whiskers and all.
Wonderful work of art and source of comfort, undoubtedly.
Oh what a handsome fellow, makes me cry! My chocolate, Tucker, is 10 and starting to show his age. My two year old is completely in love. So as happy as it makes me that they adore each other, its definitely bittersweet.
What a wonderful painting! And such a thoughtful and lovely idea for a gift.
That is SO cute!! Perfectly captured :)
nicely done! It's not always easy to capture the true character of the beast!
wow......what a wonderful gift to give and what a wonderful gift you possess that can mean soooo much to so many people.
OH...looks like my Maggie, so naturally I think this piece is the greatest thing ever! I love that you're doing this series that captures people's four legged friends in their finest hours. Swoon...
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