I take great pleasure in introducing the brains & the beauty behind my new blog look. Allow me to introduce you to her here. (That is, if you do not already know and adore her!)
Lucky me to work with Bryn and to have had the pleasure of this interview;
1. How did you begin designing blog pages?
In college I majored in Advertising and I spent all four years designing for the student newspapers and doing some brochures on the side. Although I didn't go into graphic design professionally, I still liked to keep it in my daily life. I designed our own wedding invitations, and at the beginning of 2009 I re-designed my blog. I had people e-mail me about it my blog design, and voila! That's how I got here. I'm lucky enough to have a computer engineer for a father, and he helps me with the HTML and CSS. Although I plant to learn more programming in the future, my Dad and I currently split the projects (and earnings) down the middle.
For now, this is a part time passion. During the day, I work at a marketing job and during the evening and on weekends I work on my designing. I absolutely love working with people and helping them create their vision, and I'm so lucky to have such a great hobby. In a perfect world, I'll someday be able to quit the 9 to 5 and concentrate all my time on my passions: interior decorating, idea boards, web design, paper goods and maybe even painting someday.
3. I know you are a newlywed - What are you finding to be the most challenging and the most rewarding?
The only hard part if being a newlywed for me are the chores. We aren't particularly people who enjoy cleaning, so it's a challenge when something needs to be done but neither of us wants to do it:)
As for the most rewarding part...,sometime at night we will keep each other up just by talking and laughing. We'll laugh and laugh and sometimes laugh so hard that we cry, and those are my favorite nights. It's cliche, but it's true: my husband is my best friend.
4. What are a few things that inspire you?
I get so much inspiration from blogs. I LOVE blogging! You "meet" amazingly talented people and find the most obscure, cool things that you would never know about otherwise.
5. Tell us the highlight of your life>
Wow! This is a tough question. The highlight so far was our wedding day (it was amazing), but I think the best is yet to come. I can't wait to buy our own home, be a Mom and career-wise hopefully to be able to live what I love someday.
Thank you Bryn for being the brains behind the beauty of my "new" blog design. I appreciate the time and the patience you took to create my blog to coordinate with my web site. It truly was a pleasure to work with you, "all on-line" and I am in hopes that we are able to meet one day in person. I wish you much love, luck and success in your life doing what you love with the one you love. Have a beautiful day full of design!
If you are interested in working with Bryn, please feel free to contact her and tell her that
pve design sent you! Are you looking for a new look for your blog?