Saturday, January 15, 2011

vanilla dream

There is something so beautiful and calm about winter.
Take time to dream in January.

all images from here.


abby jenkins said...

How serene those images are. Reminds me of my cherished cross country ski jaunts in Vermont.

Heather said...

just beautiful! I love the simplicity of the single tree in the snow.

Loretta Fontaine (EcoHappy Blog) said...

Patricia- So true. Winter is a real time for a bit of serenity. Love the first image.


Jessica Thor-Miller said...

Wow! Patricia, please crawl out of my head! (No? Okay, you can stay in there. I rather enjoy your company.) I had those bookmarked to purchase this week from etsy. Specifically the one of the orchard, which I can get lost in for hours.


Bruce Barone said...

Jennifer is a great photographer.

Purple Flowers said...

I love those images. They conjure up simplicity and peacefulness. My Grandmother use to say "when the trees undress, we dress."
We are on the same wavelength with regard to winter and the feelings it evokes.
Happy Weekend!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Beautiful pictures and peaceful!

Unknown said...

So beautiful! Trees are so magnificent in their architecture. They are perfect and graphic. I love them in winter as much as in summer!

xoxo Victoria

Prairie Girl Studio said...

how i love the stark beauty of these images ...
strong, still and serene ...
yes, a time to dream ... : )
thanks for this lovely moment of calm, pve ...

Prairie Girl Studio said...

me, again ...
just wanted to say that i slipped over to jennifer's shop ~ her work is stunning ... every capture is simple and serene ...
feeling very calm now ... : )

ACH said...


Nelle Somerville said...

And quiet. I love how quiet the world gets with a blanket of snow. Hope you are well!!!

Southern Lady said...

Lovely images! Carla

Megan Taylor said...

My last post "big dreams" was about the new year's resolutions I forgot to make - winter with its long nights and cold mornings makes it hard to get out of bed - it's a time to let the dreams go on...

Kwana said...

These are dreamy. Thanks.

quintessence said...

What beautiful serene photographs - love her work!!

Sandra said...

Thank you for this. What a beautiful way to look at January, as opposed to grey and drab :-). Xoxo

Joyce said...

I like trees, they give me the feel of peace and strength. xo

Just Martha said...

It looks so quite and peaceful. Is snow like that?Life continuing in hushed whispers?... Having floods here at the moment so amid the sludge and mud alas, no peace here... A white Christmas is on my 5 year plan...

Unknown said...


That's how I've always drawn trees since I was little. Even when I was completing my landscape design classes I always used winter trees. There so romantic love the snaps!



January had always been one of my favorite months. I shall always think of it as "vanilla dream" from now on.


SnackQueen15 said...

These photos are so gorgeous!

Francine Gardner said...

I love a winter landscapeYour photos are just perfect

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

You are so right.

Unknown said...

So stark and beautiful!

24 Corners said...

There's such a quietness to winter...and in these images, a true peace.
xo J~

Reggie Darling said...

Beautiful images, these trees are. So perfectly wintery, and pure. Thanks

Aspiring Kennedy said...

nothing like cuddling up in the cold with a nice cup of tea... and a vanilla scone. :)

thanks for your prayers for my niece! i'm thankful for you!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I wish I could look out the window and see that!

Melissah said...

I just discovered your blog & loved it. I'm just new into blogging & have just finished off my own blog on fashion & interior design.
I had a lot of fun putting it together. I would love your feedback on it if you've got a spare minute.

bentley said...

I was just admiring the contrast of all our of brown tree trunks against the white snow today. There is something so beautiful and serene about our landscape right now. Something to keep in mind when the 4th snow day rolls around. ; )

jennifer squires said...

Oh my! Thank you so much for all of your kind words about my photographs. And thank you Patricia for including my work here. I'm honoured!

Chris said...

Great shots. Nothing beats simplicity. Good job.
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