Thursday, January 20, 2011

moore monograms

I am fascinated with the artwork of John Matthew Moore and these incredible gouache monograms, based on 18th century monograms. Give me an E for extraordinary.
.....and an S for Splendid.
I was so lucky to be able to speak to John Matthew Moore last week.
Blogging has connected me with so many lovely artists and designers who are passionate about their work. John works to achieve realism in a large format.
Impressive not only in size but in the amount of detail.
His tulip collections look alive and make me anxious for the arrival of Spring.
Not only does his work shine, he has a gentle soul and the patience of a Saint to do such gloriously detailed works.
Saunter on over here to see more of his work.
I shall be passing along your comments to John as he does not have a blog.....yet.


The Buzz Blog said...

Moore takes monograms to a whole new level and his tulips are fabulous!

Purple Flowers said...

Moore monograms are exquisite. "Bust of Woman" is my favorite. He sculpted face seems to evoke a mood of some kind. I love her cheekbones. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

They are stunning monograms!

Joyce said...

His flowers are so beautiful! The detail are truly incredible, making the petals of each flower look as if they are fluttering in the breeze.
Being the animal lover that I am, the animal images are exquisite! The love and softness of each one of their souls shine through their eyes. Thank you so much for sharing Patricia! xo

Gretchen O. said...

Absolutly beautiful! I will give you an E and an S!! (in my best cheerleading voice:)

The detail extraordinary AND Stunning!

Bruce Barone said...

Beautiful. And such beauty at his website!!!

My Notting Hill said...

Beautiful. I love the depth of field in his work - taking monograms to a whole other level.

JMW said...

Wow, his work is beautiful. I love his animal pieces, especially the equine image.

Easy and Elegant Life said...


Would it be too much to ask for a wallpaper for the dining room? Just to match the monograms on the silver....


I love your comment about blogging being something that leads to connection. I think everyone thought blogging would become an isolating event ~ so much time on the computer etc. It is one of my favorite parts of blogging.


J.Covington said...

Just beautiful & masterful artisan work...the fluidity gives it such grace.

Unknown said...

Patricia, you had me at monograms. But, tulips, too?! The JMM10 sent my heart aflutter! So happy to know about John's work. Truly exquisite!

Southern Lady said...

Just gorgeous! Carla

Lauren said...

Patricia- I'm so glad you two connected!

His work leaves my jaw dropped. I'm totally crazy over it!!!!


Emily said...

It's funny that you are posting on monograms, as I was just visiting your website and looking at your monograms for sale. I'm saving my pennies! John's monograms are beautiful too.

Karena said...

Patricia, Moores work is stunning, so intricate and lovely!!

Art by Karena

Party Resources said...

Wow wow wow - talk about upgrading a classic! Love it!

Acanthus and Acorn said...

WOW! These are amazing and the acanthus leaf scroll gives them grand flourish!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

If I could make that into a wallpaper and put that on the walls of the shorehouse clawfoot tub bathroom...I'd be pretty content. :-)

Kathleen Mullaney said...

The lamps on his site are super!