(No dairy, no caffeine, no alcohol, no meat, chicken or fish and no carbs and no sugar.)
Less redness in skin
Lost weight
More energy
Slept like a baby
Increase in alertness
Taste buds intensified
Sense of smell heightened
More open
Stronger will power
Increase in focus
Accomplishing more
Would you like a list of changes to occur simply by the choices you make? Well, you can!
I suggest you have someone to hold you accountable, as one can easily make the wrong choices.
If you are feeling sluggish, and feel the need to start fresh, I suggest working with this wonderful holistic nutritional guide. Having a daily ritual, a list, and an intent prior to your start will no doubt produce miracles. You owe it to yourself to radiate light, love and to be a "wholesome you!"
(of course, one should always check with their health professional first, and I am not paid to advertise wholesome you)
Good for you! It sounds great, but I think I"d be starving...were you? Do you have an outline of what you did?
Yes, that's what juicing will do for you, especially if your doing a lot of greens with it as well. I might have to dust my juicer off. I haven't used it in a log while.
I'm so glad you are enjoying this. I bet you'll integrate this into your eating-for-life plan!
This is such a great time of year to do this cleanse-summer's fresh and local fruits and veggies make it so easy- not so in the middle of winter. Let's talk more about this-I have some great recipes to share if you're ever interested.
not starving in the least. It is really wonderful.
I would be happy to share with you, I know you live in the same county? We could meet.
Dust off that juicer or sell it and make some extra cash girl to be one of my sponsors!! tee hee-
I know you have such wonderful recipes and might I add that you are my inspiration. What I thought would be a challenge was truly all a choice for the best me. Love more of your secret recipes!
I would love to get your recipes, as well as Debra's! I have been working hard on this too, but find I cannot give up my morning decaf. I do not drink caffeine. Suggestions? :)
Your list is very inspiring!! I am noticing a lot of these benefits as well.
In addition to the real fruits and greens are you also taking any
greens powders (wheatgrass, etc.)
It's hard to believe you could get any more productive than you are, Ms. PVE.
It's a real challenge to eat raw
How did you find out about the
Health Counselor (I stopped by her
Best wishes,
Saufung, the health guide and guru, is my yoga teacher and I can walk to her home....she began teaching here and then moved here. Lucky me.
She is amazing. I feel much younger and more alive.
Like Saufung says, it is all choice -
yes, wheatgrass, raw hemp, calcium tabs, spirulina and lots of herbs.
pve~thanks for your suggestions on my blog. It is the smell and taste I love about my morning cup (or two) of decaf coffee, and so much a part of my morning route, that I find I don't want to give it up ...but know I should.
I will contact your nutritionist. Thanks so much for the info and link!!
Have a beautiful, heatlhy weekend!
Patricia, you've convinced me! I think since we share Saufang for our yoga, I might jump on board and do the raw food cleansing as well! I will get a head start talking to you!
Giving up coffee and alcohol is not at all hard for me, I take little of both to begin with!
It's the sugar I will miss for a little while...
Much love!
PS: Mademoiselle Chambon is still on my mind!
You are such an inspiration and it's great how you stick to the plan even on the go. Such willpower.
i started a new regimen 5 days ago - 4lbs down - feel good - frequent, small meals, inspried by the book slow love by nicole browning - plan to stay on this regimen for one month - it isn't hard either. don't even miss my icecream cones!
Well done you Patricia....I am going to try and follow your lead. Very inspirational, xv.
I know this is something that would be great for me, and can tell it has done wonders for you Paticia!!
Art by Karena
You are motivating me greatly!!! After several weeks of getting ready for our move, we've lived on chinese, thai, pizza and cereal, I'm sure our bodies would thank us endlessly if we did this type of a cleanse.
You are so helpful and such an inspiration...thank you!
You're really making me want to try this.
I have no doubt this is life changing. Hoping you'll share some of your favorite recipes for those of us so curious and contemplating jumping on board. How was the your first weekend?!
I am so happy to have read this!!
You've given me inspiration and a new goal. This is wonderful for you and you must be so proud of yourself to stick to it. xx's
yes, i'm wioth marija - would love to see more on this and the day to day how-to's.
i think this is a mute question - but is a glass of bubbles completely out of the equation??
I really should consider this. It sounds amazing!
I have recently cut my carbs down to almost nil, and I'm feeling wonderful. I've always been a raw vegetable and fruit girl who loves fish, so that part is easy for me. And really, I haven't missed the carbs at all. I no longer feel like my bum is following me around.
I have been thinking of doing something like this but haven't found a guide so I am excited to check it out.
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