Tuesday, October 21, 2008

classic calendar

A datebook or calendar is one way to stay organized and on task.  Remembering birthdays, and special events is one of my areas of expertise.  I simply keep a birthday calendar and try to remember dates for loved ones.  Growing up, we always had lovely birthday dinners with sweet items hand carried by Aunties.  People often remark, "Oh, how did you know?"  I simply reply,
"calendar."  Do you have a datebook, a calendar or are you a complete tech and have it all on your computer or hand held device.  
I still enjoy writing it on my classic calendar and then remembering important dates with hand made cards or something sweet.  


simply seleta said...

Classic and chic go hand in hand with you, dear friend!

pve design said...

flattery will get you everywhere.
maybe even some illustrations....

Susan said...

I keep a calendar to store each year - my new faves are the momagendas and myagendas. Classic moleskines are nice on the shelf as well. I use them to keep a daily dairy of what I did and how I felt about it.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I love calendars. Like you, I keep all my birthdays and important dates on the old-fashioned kind that one actually writes on. I don't use a blackberry, or anything like that. No pretty pictures on a blackberry.

By the way, I've left you a wee shout out on my blog in sincere appreciation.

Arlene said...

My sisters have a tradition of gathering together in January with calendars, pretty colored pens, and stickers. Then we mark birthdays, anniversaries, etc, on each our calendars for the year. I wish I could say it helped me remember, but I tend to use my daytimer calendar, and forget to look at the one I made in January!

summer said...

calendars! what a lovely thought for the day! how practical. how simple.
In my house: kitchen-a calendar that we made on iphoto, laundry room- a marker board calendar that I re-do every month, computer- husband's calendar (includes my appts. too!) on iCal.
Yesterday I found some downloadable calendars over on how about orange's blog- maybe you'll like them!

Rachel said...

I drool over beautiful calendars, but I almost exclusively use my Google calendar. I can access it anywhere, and my guy and I each have one, plus we have a joint one. Makes coordinating plans much easier!

Leciawp said...

I have a real thing for stationary and love beautiful calendars; alas, though, my calendar has been electronic for some time now. Makes it easier to coordinate with my husband. Our older son's school even has the school calendar in an ical form, so I can see it, my husbands, and the family calendar from my phone or any computer.

GrannySmithGreen said...

My calendar is now on the computer--a bit scary when toddler poured coffee on the keyboard. I just went electronic this fall. I think I like it.

Now, when it comes to birthdays and other special occasions, only a handwritten note will do. As always, enjoying your blog!

Kwana said...

Two places for me calender and Filofax. I have to write by hand. No computer for me.

72 and sunny said...

i think it's a creative thing. I need to 'feel; and see my dates

LindsB said...

I do both, I have a classic calendar at home with note cards and other things to write pretty notes. I also have the electronic version at my office, this is to make sure I don't forget to send that hand written note. There really is nothing like getting old fashioned mail on pretty stationary.

Speaking of its almost time to pick out my new calendar for next year, thank you for the reminder!

Capegirl said...

I love a calendar, especially Susan Wallace Barnes and my Filofax from the 1970s. Its well worn and loved.

You should do your own calendar with your lovely art. I'd be first in line to buy it.

Julia said...

I'm a very "classic calendar" type of girl. I especially love the calendars that give you enough room to write all the special dates in the squares :)

ArchitectDesign™ said...

as much as I love calendars -i'm afraid I rarely look at them, even when I buy beautiful ones. If it's not on my work's OUTLOOK, it's left to my memory. I have all my birthdays written in an old 'birthday book' put out by Avon 20 years ago that I found at a garage sale probably 10 years ago! I think sending out bday cards is one of the most important things to do with friends!

Megan Coyle said...

You gotta love the classic calendar. For some reason I don't trust my computer with dates and appointments. Besides, why bother with the hassle of turning on a computer to figure out what you're doing that day when you can just glance at the wall.

tyler said...

i start every year off with the same worn leather daytimer i received for graduation (undergrad!). fresh white refills i have the best of intentions in getting those bdays down but often fail to have proper addresses when the day does arrive. perhaps a new address book is in order? and we definitely need a 'family' calendar since so often we are ships passing in the night! i just gush over herman yu's lovely work and order her calendars for gifts every year.

posted cards to you yesterday! another piece to come -- and i've saved your address!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I am a total luddite when it comes to calendars -- it's old school, pen to (pretty) paper for me. Though apparently I have to write in, "Pay phone bill today!" on mine. Monthly! :-)

Maryannwrites said...

I had all the birthdays in my Outlook calendar. Then when I upgraded my computer and had to go with Vista, I lost Outlook. Needless to say, I think your idea of the standard paper calendar is much more secure. :-)

Eileen said...

I tried the palm pilot but that didn't work. I have it now in my computer and the school calendar. I tried the birthday book but I wasn't too sucessful at that. The problem is looking at them. Sometimes I forget and make plans on the computer and the school calendar and I double book. I need HELP!!!!

Pigtown*Design said...

Filofax, since the early 80's! I gave it up for a palm pilot for a while and then went back to the paper.

littlebyrd said...

I get my husband a new golf course calendar every Christmas. We write our weekly dinner menus on it, events scheduled, birthdays, etc. We would never remember anything if we didn't!

Joyce said...

Oh darling I confess I still carrying a calendar in my purse. When those hand held things came out my husband gave me one and all I did was play games on it while I waited in line. I still like my calendar and yes mailing out cards. Family and friends laugh at me becauze I don't like clutter but I keep all cards given to me. I tie them in bundles with pretty satin ribbons and store in large containers.

Elizabeth said...

I use my wall calendar, Luddite that I am. I've tried so hard to convert over to my BlackBerry Pearl, and I just can't get into it!

I always buy art calendars. Last year, it was Van Gogh. This year, it's Cezanne.

I'd love to see a calendar with your seasonal illustrations. Have you ever thought about marketing one?

pve design said...

wow, I am amazed at how many of us still need the classic calendar, a plain and simple way to keep a datebook. thanks to each of you for you comments.

did a calendar for a client and yes, need to do one for marketing it. good to know you work with a calendar too.

Anonymous said...

On my teak desk I have a MET artist calendar book that I pencil in dates, which I have replaced for the past 15 years, I love it. Also on my desk,I have notecards and stationary. I love to send traditional mail to friends near and far sealed with wax.

Easy and Elegant Life said...

Mrs. E. and I have what we call "The Social Schedule." It is a leather bound desk diary/calendar. I alternate between dark green and red covers year to year. But I think red is winning out as it's hard to find the right dark green.