It is that time of year, the leaves are beginning to change and a fall walk is always a wonderful way to enjoy the autumnal splendor. Part of me wants to send those of you in warmer climates boxes of leaves to jump in and the other part of me, wishes I did not need to pack away summer items. We made our very first fire last weekend in an effort to avoid flipping on the heat.
The leaves are showing signs of "leaf peepers" who leave the city in search of a glimpse of fall. Everyone seems to be out in either fall fashions or sporting the last bits of summer.
Tell me, what does the foliage look like where you live? Have you made the swap to Fall or are you hanging on to summer?
Love this illustration and that pup reminds me of Jack. I've already switched my closet over to Fall and I just have to do my dresser now. It's my favorite time of year. I look forward to watching the leaves change. It's a new smile every day.
you would put lovely words to fall... love that,
"leaves changing, like a new smile!"
good for you for changing up the closet to Fall!
I'm ready for Autumn! Got some cozy new clothes and everything, I was a little lacking in that area from being in Charleston. It's so beautiful here, not every tree has started to change, but the ones that have a stunning!
Quintessential fall sketch. Love it. (I want the outfit she's wearing--perfect for my agenda today.)
Just started the closet switch this weekend! Hoping to finish today.
Beautiful illustration and interesting question! I'll have to come back at the end of the day and read everyone's comments. The leaves are just beginning to change in Seattle; the temperature have been crisp in the mornings, but warm to hot in the afternoons...very pretty. We're just starting to notice how short we're getting on daylight hours.
In Anchorage Alaska where I live, Fall lasts about 15 minutes. We had a glaze of snow on Sunday afternoon! I was pleased I had raked the yard on Saturday.
Here in Boston many trees suddenly turned early last week. They are brighter than usual, perhaps because we've had so much rain and such weird temperature fluctuations? Bright, bright yellows and reds...
Oh yes Patricia the big sweatshirt was my attire this weekend! We too faught not to turn on the heat.
Over the weekend I said to my husband when are the leaves really going to change. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for them to dance with color!!
wishing I were a spider on the wall to see you finishing your closet switch-eroo. you have such a great eye for fashion and color, your fall wardrobe must be like a box of yummy chocolates.
typical of dc, the leaves aren't really changing as much as just turning dry and falling off the trees :-( I am enjoying the cool, crisp air though!
I love the term, "leaf peepers"! I love this time of year and it totally makes want to become one with nature. All the leafs, the crispness in the air, the lovely fall colors. So pretty. I love your illustration. It is beautiful. I want that outfit and the pup to boot.
I've switched to my favorite Fall garb while my husband tries desperately to continue donning his shorts and t's. I LOVE IT!
Perfect, perfect illustration! Fall personified.
The leaves are just starting to change here, with the golds at the first of the line. I love to watch them as they start slowly turning, like a color wheel in slow motion.
Your new seasonal background is most fetching as well! Yours is a lovely place to visit.
I was just out on a walk and breathing in the lovely fall air. The leaves are starting to change here and it is so pretty. I was sad to see summer go but I do have a thing for fall. The clothes are the best, the air, the smells and all the visits to the apple orchard!!!
Here in Colorado, the leaves are turning. In my neighborhood we have lots of yellows and reds. It's a relatively new community so the trees are not huge, but it's still lovely.
ok, don't rub it in. This is the time of year that I envy everyone else's weather.
I LOVE AUTUMN!!! thank you for the great illustration at least I can live vicariously!
Looks like that pup is going to play in the dead leaves, no? Benjy loves to.
your illustration captures perfectly the feeling of fall! makes me miss being in a place where fall foliage is an attraction! here in rome the air is crisp but it's green all over
We are full-fledged fall right now. Thank goodness! We had summer lingering for far too long. With too much humidity! We're now moving more into the rainy dreary (yet comforting) part of fall. I love watching the maples turn bright red and yellow!
Love your colorful fall post! Sadly, we have very limited foliage here in LA, but I do look forward to the change in season anyways, especially when the desert winds blow in and make the air crackle with electricity.
We have a gold leaf here and there. For the most part Atlanta has still been in summer.
Enjoy your pretty fall. There is no place better than New York this time of year.
Our leaves are barely changing, but the temps are sinking down fast. I dread putting changing the seasonal wardrobes over. The winter blankie has been in use all week.
how lovely your illustration is........here we the weather is lovely and fresh with new leaves sprouting and buds popping up all around....spring time for me :)
Beautiful illustration.
Fall is just starting in Delaware. I'm always ready after summer at the beach (which is still mostly green). And fall is my favorite season.
It's usually not in full bloom til the 3rd week of October.
I can't wait.
hello gorgeous, I mean hello you "season rusher" which I laughed at... I hear ya on that one.
Enjoy the beach...trade ya some sand for leaves.
I've been longing for fall! And it's coming to Chicagoland, finally! My children get so excited to see the changing leaves, as do I. It's the best. Although, I never have time to switch my closet. I usually pull my long sleeved shirts and jeans out of some small corner of my closet - that's as close as I get to switching for seasons! I have all the seasons rolled into one closet, I'm that good... :)
The foliage here is just beginning to change....very subtlely and very slowly.....but I am sure in a week or two it will be glorious.
I am gradually changing my closet too......soon it will look gloriously fall-like....I hope!
I am ready for sweater weather!
Our leaves have not really started to change, but today I had to wear a light coat and (gasp!) scarf for the first time. And to think I was wearing a sundress just over a week ago...Sigh...
I do love the fall (in fact, it's too short for me), but do not love how early it gets dark out!!
Almost everything is green here. There is a smattering of color, though.
If you get any spare boxes of fall leaves lying around, I'm available for receiving!
please e-mail with your address and one box of leaves shall be sent with a surprise....
I'm ready for fall! We had 80 degree weather yesterday. And that means it's still hot, muggy and humid.
It is only suppose to get up in the high 70s today - finally some relief!
Longing for falls changing leaves. Still shorts weather here.
We had our first day of real fall weather down here in the Big D, it was so beautiful, we get a whole two weeks of fall usually so everyone in Dallas is out and about enjoying the weather!
Patricia -- just wanted to pause and say how much I love this latest group of fall illustrations and your pumpkin colored backdrop!
style court,
"orange ya glad" you stopped by to feel a bit of fall...
thank-you for your kind comments. nothing like a fresh color for an autumnal mood.
oh, what a lovely shop you have.... think I may have to do some shopping for my home.
thanks for stopping and do come again!
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