Here are the rules of the game:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself.
4. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person's blog and leave them a comment that lets them know they've been tagged.
Here are the 6 unspectacular quirks that I have:

1. I actually enjoy successful removal of foreign objects, ie; splinters.

2. I love to go to the beach, but on days that are cloudy.
3. I loathe trying on clothes in a dressing room with bad lighting therefore, I always buy them and try them in the comfort of my own home.

4. Christmas is my favorite holiday, blame it on Charlie Brown and his tree.
5. Love to roll coins for my kids savings!
6. Love Edward Gorey quirky illustrations that I posted here.
The rules are to tag 6 others to play,
If you care to join in, please do so!
Oooh... cloudy beaches. Love them!
I now know why it's been fated that we've met and become friends.
Totally with you on the splinter-esque experiences and rolling coins. Which is like therapy for me!
Thanks for playing along!
I love all the artwork you picked to put on your post. Lovely.
Thanks for the tag! I'll make sure to follow up.
I loooooove Edward Gorey illustrations. They just make me happy (even when they're morbid!).
I love the illustrations and the beach on cloudy days. Magical.
Number 1 is definitely the best one!! How original . . . hehe
quirks and all and you still leave me hope with your comments.
I love Gorey's illustrations too. I cannot believe the first one! I am such a baby when I get a splinter, dreading having to pull it out - ouch.
Gorey is one of my FAVORITE artists -especially his alphabet!
I love the illustrations!
I always buy things and try them on at home, too.
Oh, my, my, my: We have very similar quirks! I went to the cloudy beach with my dog today and was grinning ear to ear the whole time. Also bought three dresses yesterday to bring home and try on sand fluorescent lighting and tilted mirrors (dear PVE readers: they tilt the mirrors in most dressing rooms to make a more flattering silhouette. Hated when I first found that out.). One is going back. ;-) And Gorey? Swoon...
I have played along! It's fun to learn some of your quirks!
Oh, you really are all the best to be a good quirky sport. I too must clean the kitchen before I cook.
Love getting to know the quirky you.
oops, how could I have forgotten to add you to the tag list, love to know some of your quirks too, not that you have any!
You even make random facts look stylish. This was a fun read!!!
Thanks for participating, Patricia. I loved your quirks.. well except for the splinter bit. I hate those. My mom used to give us a dollar if we would sit still when she removed them. I tried it on my daughter and my husband thought I was nuts to pay her but I thought it a fine idea. And I love the going to the beach on a cloudy day bit.. that is so me. I would thoroughly enjoy that! Oh, and love the illustrations too!
Have a great weekend!
trina- la la lovely-
thanks for including me in the tag. It was fun but hard to narrow down to just 6 quirks!
happy weekend.
These were so much fun. I smiled all the way through. The Gorey illustrations were most appropriate.
And Edward and I are with you on on your second quirk. All blondes should love cloudy beaches!
i'm lovin those illustrations too! and i'm so with you on the splinter thing... weird! :)
I love beaches on sunny and cloudy days. Great Gorey drawings!
Rolling coins is absolute therapy and a treasure hunt all in one. Who knows when you will find a wheat penny or buffalo nickel. Of course my husband, who has now decided to collect coins swoops down and graps the prize-much like a hawk in search of prey.
Well, I can honesty say we're on the same "Quirk" level. I think I agree with everything you listed and I adore Gorey's quirky, creepy illustrations (I even have a signed print that I just adore):)
oh, which gorey do you have? I have many books which were bequeathed to me from a dear friend and they too are signed!
I adore your blog and your art.
The sketch of the splinter removal made me laugh, its wonderful!
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