Tuesday, January 31, 2012


It is no secret, I do have a serious infatuation with houses.  
The illustration above is unfinished but lingers on the back of my mind like a teenage crush.
I just can't get this home of grandeur out of my head.
Who does not like to drive-by a home and fantasize about what one would do in order to give it your mark.  I have done this from the time I was a child.  This beauty is nearby and up for sale and I just cannot stop thinking about what a bit of tender loving care would do to transform this into a palace.

Tell me, what sort of thing are you keen on?  I find myself lingering over the real estate section or on line and thinking what I would do if it were mine.   I like to think of my infatuation as one part serious inspiration.


Cheryl said...

I love homes... Kenny and I designed ours. It was easy. A colonial reproduction. The details we such fun. A true labor of love.
Growing up in New England, I am a real sucker for a Royal Barry Wills cape... I love the pitch of the roof, the perfect scale of each part of this simple home that seems to go on and on....

Julie said...

I love looking at houses online... or even when my husband and I are driving around, we love to point out houses we think are really nice. Of course some of them we could never afford but its still fun to look =P.

Your painting looks beautiful already. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you are done!


Debra said...

Welcome to my world PVE! I spend far too much time perusing homes online and with a friend in the real estate business. This one is a real charmer and you have captured that in your beautiful illustration.

Unknown said...

Oh, me too! I always dream of places, when I see them!
Especially in places I would rather live: In the South!

Your house has become so gorgeous, it's enough to dream of this one.... : )))

I love the beginnings of your illustration, can't wait to see it finished!

Purple Flowers said...

Love your illustration. I am always driving by homes and trying to take a peek as to the inside structure (where the main staircase is, etc). Also, how the home is decorate with walling covering, lighting. I could go on and on. I just hope I don't get caught someday. :)

ArchitectDesign™ said...

I've been going to open houses every sunday lately -a nice tradition to start! See so many lovely houses!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

I'm an admitted house-aholic! As always, I want to explore all of the houses you paint.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous house....I wonder how amazing the inside is?
I'm lusting over living rooms, I really want to redo ours .....!

Acquired Objects said...

I've stalked one or two homes around here but funny once someone moves into them the love seems to fade. You picked a beautiful home to dream about. Call a real estate broker and go see it, it might be fun.


Lindsey said...

You illustrations never cease to amaze me! I love looking at homes and finding a design that's the right fit for that home. It also helps fulfill my huge range in design taste.

Anonymous said...

I do love houses, obviously just very curious - not nosey! But can happily spend a hour or so curled up with a copy of Country Life magazine dreaming.

Meadow Lake said...

Your illustration is beautiful. I took my love of houses to the next level and went into architecture and more recently blogging. Perusing listings on grand old houses still lifts my spirits!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love walking past beautiful homes, and better yet, having a sneak peak during an open house. This place is incredible! If it weren't quite so big it would be my dream home!

Claudia Lane said...

Well, I'm completely obsessed with homes, interiors, materials and colour and am always looking at homes online and on the local paper...I have no hope!
Your illustration is just beautiful xo

Denise said...

Love your illustration and can't wait to see the finished product! I have always loved to look at houses, too...a guilty pleasure!

Natalie said...

Hahaha thanks for the comment you crack me up! I do the same thing w real estate listings. And I guess it's a symptom of the disease ( interior design) that I do the same thing in people's houses. Bad I know but I love thinking about ways to open up rooms and update spaces and move walls. Disease I tell you. Disease.