Well one person that I know who manages to make it look easy lives here. She is a mother of four, has a wonderful business, is up all hours of the wee night, always seems to have some small words that pack a big wallop.
I sent her this illustration as a gentle reminder to take it easy. Life can present challenges in many ways, and having a sense of humor and painting as an outlet can be life-savers for making it look easy. This is a gentle reminder for each of you, "take it easy!"
Feel free to share how you "take it easy" in one small word. Does anyone around you need a reminder to "take it easy?"
Sleep. Love this illustration and her blog. Thanks for the reminder.
It is so easy to make things hard, to put up a fight and to let fear reign. My wish is that we can all find ways to take it easy, to make it look easy and know that we are doing our best.
Now that sounds easy!
I LOVE IT!!! My plan is to blog about this today!! You are so precious and I'm so glad we found each other through the blog world!
I think taking it easy looks easy when it is the right thing to do. Sometimes for the greater good, things are not always easy and I think we do ourselves a disfavor in magically thinking by doing this or doing that we will look "at ease." My goal is not to look at ease but to truly be at ease with the person I truly am. No one would ever call me easy! But I do think being authentic has its own grace. It allows you to focus your energy elsewhere.
So glad you love it!
My word would be "prayer."
The illustration is beautiful. I'm headed over to check out her blog.
Have a happy Monday.
I guess that is me. I was TRYING to relax over the weekend between family and friends time.Then I find myself thinking, I have got to find the right shade of paint for the living room! Then I called my youngest sister and she wanted yo go to a movie. "Proposal" is verry funny! Just what the doctor ordered for a pleasant time to sit and laugh!
home b-4 dark,
authenticity is the key! I am taking an on-line course and that word keeps coming up...being authentic, and finding one's authenticity is truly imperative to making things easy.
this is just a little cheer for you to begin a blog, you always have such wonderful words of wisdom.
Gorgeous I love houses with window boxes. That is one of the things I like about Germany is every other house has them.
massage. I think that sounds better than,
Seriously, I think massage/ touch helps everyone relax from an infant to the elderly.
You are so blessed to have a talent that you can share.
And, you do so generously!
I love the illustration and I'm sure she did too :)
Been offline for more than a week, that's helped me take it easy. Love all the PvE pretty I'm seeing over here just catching up. I've been missing you!
Laughing w/a friend!
Always makes me slow down and take it easy.
Beautiful reminder.
SLEEP. Best part of the day! Have a great Monday!
Mrs. E. says that I manufacture more stress than anyone she's ever met. She reminds me constantly that there is so much more to life and that very little of it merits serious worrying.
A good book, a little music (try "Vince Guaraldi and Bola SetI' this summer!) and a stroll now and again.
Off to help make lavender honey.
You are such a sweet soul to send a friend such a wonderful reminder!
that would be ".... Bola Seti."
I recentedly posted too about simplifying life and taking a step back.
Sweet illustration, she must be pleased.
Sweet. Easy to say & hard to do.
Lazy comes way too easy for me. I have NO problems relaxing.
Which is why I rush around like a lunatic on Saturdays so that Sunday's are a do nothing day. No plans, no guests, no dinners with friends. Nada.
My hubby gives the best 45 minute foot massage! I am like a limp noodle afterwards! It helps if football/basketball/golf is on the TV. He gets to watch the game & I get a great massage. :)
I washed my hubby's feet last night and gave him a luxe foot massage...next thing I knew was that he was fast asleep!
Moi! Point taken. Your post is exactly why I love the amazing & magical Land of Blog Patricia.
Millie ^_^
i am finally realizing that life is soooooo short and we need balance... so i just took off 5 days and went to the beach... so amazing... hope you had a wonderful weekend... x pam
for me...the word would be "breathe". when i'm stressed or rushed, the husband tells me i don't take deep breaths...
like you once told me, put the oxygen mask on yourself first.
I have been forever in pursuit of that perfect balance between success and family. Unfortunately, the balance is off. Being forced to give up on the success part for awhile makes the balance a moot point. But...being idle for a few months is quite appealing. I think I'm ready.
To be able to draw and make people happy with what you can put on paper is truly a wonderful gift!! Your friend is lucky to have you!!
I love this illustration. I frequently need this reminder....
I read. If only a new baby allowed for that, and sleep...
Love your blog! Very inspiring! made me take out my sketch up after long!!
Thanks for the reminder "take it easy!" :)
your work is just stunning!
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