Friday, July 31, 2009

match maker

match box from "Shandells" with the artwork of pve design for
Emily Evans Eerdsmans

Shandells sells vintage lights, chic shades, matches, and more...
"Match maker, match maker, make me a match."
How clever is this little copper edged box of matches which Susan Shandell made for
Emily Evans Eerdmans.  

How sweet to "light" the way with such a perfect match!
Surely, Shandells has something to "strike your fancy"  I hope you find a hot match for your hearth!


Anonymous said...

I just started humming Fiddler on the Roof. These are cute.

Debra said...

How clever~ the ideas on patterns are endless. What great gifts these would make. Off to take a look.

pve design said...

I know, I vas humming da same song vile I posted about dis....hmmm.

I love gifts that have that match the owner.
There is something that strikes and lights my fire...
sorry ---I just could not resist.

Pretty Neat Designs said...

These boxes are so beautiful, they will make a great gift!

Kalee said...

Love these!

pve design said...

pretty neat,
they would be great for starting the campfire...right!

great hostess gift with some nice candles..too.

Shandell's said...

I am humming that tune, one of my favorite musicals.
Thank you, let me make you a box, what would you like on them???

Have a great day

pve design said...

My match, I would love any of my illustrations,
All the best blog, Mrs Blandings, Architect Design, My Notting Hill, Kwana Writes...all my blog art...that would be fun....

Summer is a Verb said...

Those are the sweetest matchboxes ever! What fabulous hostess gift potential...XXOO

The Townhouselady said...

The saddest side effect of smoking is that matchbook/ashtray art has now gone to the wayside. I remember even as a child being fascinated by all of the different restaurant, resort and especially Vegas matchbooks that accumulated in vases and draws in most households.

This really made me smile. fantastic.

Vana said...

wow! what a neat idea! Feels good to revisit your blog. Sorry it's been awhile. Life has taken its course, ya know.

Mrs. Limestone said...

What a smart idea!! I like your version the best.

home before dark said...

What fun. I also think your headers would make great ceramic pieces.

Anonymous said...

Now that's a very hot idea! We still use matches to light candles, tea-lights, lanterns, diffusers and incense, barbecues, logs in the fireplace, or for torching the love letters of a romance gone bad. What better way than with the most beautiful fire starter possible?

I constantly fight myself about becoming too materialistic, but I do appreciate artists and craftspeople who make everyday objects things of beauty. Patricia, your artwork looks divine on the matchbox and would surely be snatched up first.

I'm VERY anti-smoking but must admit I have a tin full of my grandparent's restaurant, hotel, and bar matchbooks left over from the 1960's and 1970's. Also a few beautiful ashtrays from the 1940's and some kitschy border town bar and dancehall ashtrays from the 50's.

Joyce said...

These little boxes strike my fancy. A very neat idea@ They would make the perfect gift.
Have a golden weekend. xoxo

Emily Evans Eerdmans said...

I said it once, and I'll say it again: PVE and Shandell's - a match made in heaven! You two ladies are so inspired and inspiring....EEE

pve design said...

We need a match for your perfect beginning to light candles! Sounds so romantic!

Prairie Girl Studio said...

very clever indeed ... and i do love the one with your artwork best, pve ...
the good ol wooden matches are a must in case a storm should blow up and you need to play guitar and drink wine by candlelight ...
i hear rumbling,

gina said...

"Match-maker, match-maker, make me a match!!" Yes - that song will be in my head all day now!

heidi said...

LOVE those kitties! Save me a matchbox?

pve design said...

will do.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Love them! Whenever I see fancy large matchboxes at a restaurant (rarer these days), I take home an extra for a decoupage project. I think one of mon favorites is a Frida Kahlo one I crafted. :-)