Saturday, August 20, 2011

beach birthday

Wishing "Summer is a verb" a beachy keen birthday!
We all know how much Allie would love a 5 mile run and then a party on the beach.
bottom vintage beach photo


Formerly known as Frau said...

Sounds like a fun way to spend a birthday! Have a wonderful Saturday!

A.U.G. said...

Indeed bonfire and all! You ma chérie have an incredible ability to capture life in its most true and unadulterated form.

Nelle Somerville said...

Yeah for Allie VonAwesomeness. Love these blogger friendships. Hope you are well PVE. I am canning up my pear chutney today and will indeed send you a jar of this "liquid gold" as you say.

Ivy Lane said...

Happy Birthday to Allie.... LOVE the vintage beach photo..

Happy Weekend to you and yours!

annechovie said...

Love those vintage images and a very Happy Birthday to Allie! xo

likeschocolate said...

This would be my favorite way to celebrate ones birthday!

We Blog Artists said...

Happy Birthday A!

Hope you're having a lovely Summer P!


24 Corners said...

Happy Birhtday Allie, it's nice to meet you! I can have a proper summer vicariously through you!!

Thanks for the introduction Patricia...Allie has a fun blog!
xo J~

Karena said...

Patricia, what a great vintage beach image I love it!!


Art by Karena

Summer is a Verb said...

What a fantastic birthday surprise! You are there BEST virtual gift giver ever PVE!!! Next year may I request one more month of summer? Thank you! XXOO

pve design said...

Thanks to each of you for your birthday wishes to Allie von Summer is a verb! Allie, no problem, one more month of Summer, just for you. :)