You just might want to think twice next time you play double dutch.
A pair of mirrors hung side by side adds such strength to any home.
A pair of lamps.
A pair of book ends.
A pair of chairs.
A pair of socks.
A pair of twin beds.
Tell me what sort of pair would cause you to jump up and do a double take?
image from pinterest
this morning it would be a pair of socks. It is cool out and so dark. I would rather go back to bed instead of the gym. :) xo
i love anything in pairs. i always gravitate toward that equal/balanced look. i have so many pairs of sconces, picture frames, vases, etc. it isn't funny. i have nowhere to put them though and so they languish in my basement. it's sad really.
Love the double mirrors!! Of course
I'll say I love art in pairs, or threes, fours, fives:)
the pair of cribs in my babies' room makes me smile from ear to ear. ;)
I am loving your blog -- and thank you SO much for all the sweet comments on mine.
xo, Kristin
How about a pair of twins? Being part of a pair draws me to pairs - a pair of boys, a pair of dogs...
I love symmetry...so therefore I love anything in pairs. I think it's safe to say my bookend subzero all refrigerator and all freezer make me jump up and down.
Wait...I just read Kristen's comment...a pair of cribs wins over appliances any day!
Love the impact of pairs it takes command of the room and gives us a focal point. Very comfortable to be around.
Yes. My nickname is Noah! LOL!
I have a thing for pairs...
Double bows on gifts of course........ but in my house I love pairs of Foo Dogs, seem to have quite a few. Mirrors too, come to think of it. Happy to hear the boys are off to college, a bittersweet beginning to fall. enjoy. XO
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