Thursday, February 14, 2013

love coupons

Today, everyone is all about giving from the heart.  
I always create redeemable coupons for things that I know will be loved and that are priceless.  What sort of redeemable love coupons would you like to receive today?   I am thinking of creating a seasonal book of love coupons and adding them to my shop.  Give me some love, what sort of coupons would you buy to give a little love.  The book is tied with a ribbon, simply clip and redeem the love anytime.

pve design love coupons


Belle on Heels said...

I love the idea of these types of coupons, but yours sure turn out a lot prettier than mine do :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

This is a wonderful idea, but as Belle said, it's even more wonderful if they are illustrated by the amazing PVE!

Happy Valentine's Day!! xoxoxo

Cheryl said...

....what Sandy at You May Be Wandering said! xo
Happy Valentine's Day!!

Lobster Meets Peach said...

I have a feeling I will be getting a book of coupons from my kiddos tonight. I think it such a cute and sweet idea!

Mademoiselle Michael Blog said...

This is a wonderful idea! One of my favorite things (either alone or while dating someone) is just to go for a drive. A coupon for a country drive after brunch would be ideal for me!

I'm sure your designs would be a success on Etsy!

The Buzz Blog said...

What a great idea! The coupon our boys would use most is "clean my room" followed closely by "do my laundry." Hope you have a wonderful day and that cupid brings you many treats.
C + C

Unknown said...

Perfect! I have a couple of ideas as what these tokens might be....Certainly priceless coming from you!
Happy Valentine!

the gardener's cottage said...

what a fantastic idea patricia.
i'm thinking...

dinner out
a movie
a favorite meal

yes, i'd like any and all of those.


Acquired Objects said...

The husband did that once but we won't go into what he had in his book. I love yours they have pretty pictures and I would love a massage or pedicure coupon!

Happy Valentine's Day Patricia!


LPC said...

Yes! This is a great idea.

Lisa Mende said...

i love these!!!

Silver Magpies said...

Oh such a glorious idea. What about a back rub or foot rub, maybe doing the dishes or laundry? Lighting a fire and making a cocoa? The list could be endless :-)

- Nan

BRASWELL said...

This is a grand idea! How about a mani,pedi or hair color & cut or a blank one that the giver could fill in. Have a wonderful weekend dear valentine.