Friday, June 29, 2012

at sea

 The lure of the sea, waves, saltwater and weekends full of fun sails or boat excursions seem just right for this time of year.
 Although there might be some pretty hot dog days of summer, one just might need to pack a sweater or a nautical pea jacket for breezy nights by the shore.
What's not to love about a sail boat.
Even if you prefer to stay on can still have a little of the "at sea" look with this tote
Any plans to set sail or drop anchor?
May your weekend be full of good times.


Let The Tide Pull Your Dreams Ashore said...

Love "Someday Came"…who needs the boat when you can look at the calming illustration! Happy weekend. xx

quintessence said...

My husband's best friend just got a new sailboat so I'm hoping for an invitation sometime soon!! He actually commutes every day by boat (motor boat) across the Long Island Sound to his job - all year long!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

One day I hope!! We are planning a quiet weekend...after having my parents here for 8 days I just want to sit in silence! Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

I can just feel the salt hair on my face, as i imagine myself in theat first boat! I love being on the water and boating. A boat is definitely on the Moyer family wishlist!!

Picking up son #1 from camp today, then looking forward to next week's Clambake and 4th of July fireworks.

Hope you sail right into the weekend!
xoxo, Elizabeth

I Dream Of said...

Being on the water is something that always makes me feel at home, whether it's setting sail or paddling a kayak. With rain in the forecast and a very gray lake outside, I think we probably won't be bobbing along on the waves this weekend. Oh well! Summer weather traditionally comes the day after the 4th of July around here, so hopefully we'll be seafaring soon! Happy weekend, Patricia! Hope it's smooth sailing. XO

Jennifer C. Webb said...

love how you handled the wake from the boat....such movement. Have a great summer weekend

Unknown said...

I love my PvE bag!! And while the sailboat does seem so alluring, I have to admit I'm kind of a land lover :)

Have a beautiful weekend!

LindsB said...

my childhood summers were always spent at my grandparents lakehouse in Maine. Oh, how I ache to be back on the lake these days. I can't WAIT till the day comes that I can afford to buy a little place of my own back on the lake that my Grandpa found all those years ago!

Beautiful illustrations as usual Patricia!! Have a nice weekend!

preppylove said...

Love the tote! And the top picture of the boat is so great.


Unknown said...

I'am saving money for a boat because I want to live like a pirate someday!

pve design said...

I just love reading all these comments. Fun to see who loves both land and sea.

BRASWELL said...

Those painting are too wonderful. The mug is amazingly delightful. Happy Weekend.

BRASWELL said...

I meant "pug" in coat.