Friday, November 18, 2011

dreamy friday

 Imagine yourself waking up from a dream and landing here, rested and refreshed.  Imagine that everything you do today revolves around shades of white, bone, pale gray and golden accents.
 You saunter over to your dressing table and apply a fresh face before you prepare a healthy breakfast.

 Piping hot oatmeal, fresh fruit and some roasted coffee.
 What a pretty kitchen.  Light, airy and clean.
 Your mind wanders to wishes and place settings for Thanksgiving and gathering with those you cherish.
 Then you think that a place setting needs to be there for the one's that cannot be with you.
 Mother Nature cards from Austin Press are used for each guest to write a Thanksgiving wish.

After a busy day of dreaming, I find this pillow so soothing and all I want to do is sit a spell and cozy up at home on friday nite to a clean home and to my dear husband.
A dreamy pair of chairs to sit a spell and spend time enjoying one another's company and the desire to lighten up after a long week.

Hope your friday is dreamy.
Do you allow yourself time to dream?


Chic Coles said...

What a relaxing post.The thought of a clean home for the weekend just so perfect. Have a nice weekend.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love the idea of clean and crisp home...hate being the one to get it that way...
Hope your weekend is full of relaxation and joy.xo

Diane said...

I'm afraid I dream the day away... Have pretty much just realized that Thanksgiving is right around the corner, so am planning to spend the day cleaning my house (though not until after a nice long walk with the dog, during which time I will allow myself to dream, but then get busy!) Nice thoughts! Have a great weekend back home!

The Buzz Blog said...

Ready to just toss all the plans and spend time dreaming in these lovely spaces... But work calls and we're in full holiday shopping mode! Happy dreamy weekend, Patricia.

Anonymous said...

a perfectly dreamy day and relaxing interior! I often daydream while out walking my dogs, or jsut let my mind relax a little to think things through. Have a great weekend!

Belle on Heels said...

yes, please!! i feel well-rested just looking at these pics!

Joyce said...

Love dreaming. Oh yes I love a clean and crisp home. I think I need a wife to help me keep it this way. :) Enjoy your weekend my friend! xo

I Dream Of said...

Such a dreamy way to start the day! I've had my oatmeal, but my nightstand doesn't look nearly as lovely as the one pictured there, and our house is still in transition while we wait for some new furniture to be delivered. But I think I'll pull a little of the restful beauty from your post into my Friday to set just the right tone for the rest of the day -- and weekend. Hope it's a happy one for you, Patricia!

Unknown said...

I just did! Thanks ;)

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Dreaming of all this and more. I'm afraid dreaming is my middle name!

Wishing you & your family a blessed Thanksgiving Patricia.

X Deb

Nelle Somerville said...

I simply adore white rooms! Stunning post. Best wishes to you PVE for a restful weekend. xoxo

Unknown said...

So pretty!
I am getting in a I want to overhaul my house mood..... Dangerous!

But I know your house will soon be in a dreamy state!!!

: )

Anonymous said...

Oh man, earlier I was sitting out in the cold thinking of a place just like this. Looks even more amazing here though haha.

Dovecote Decor said...

That dressing table needs to come my way. I wonder who makes it? Come by and say hello. The girls and I are heading to Paris for the holiday. Do you have any tips?

Unknown said...


Lovely post, great reminders and a promise made to oneself. Make your dream time real and make it happen!

I do love to clean, it helps me dream and that's how the two become one in the same. They give momentum to each other. It makes for grateful weekends too!

Have a lovely weekend.


the gardener's cottage said...

yes, that would be a dream! i'll borrow yours.

that small bench at the dressing table makes me weak.


ps - i finally found a bamboo frame for the drawing of my house. it is perfection!

red ticking said...

my whole life is a dream! loving this post... xx

LindsB said...

that first image really is a dream- I hope it comes true in my house one day :)