William Glackens Painting - 1870-1938
Our entire image of smoking has changed for the better, but I often admire images that I come across. They affect me like second hand smoke, swirling and circling around my head. I love this Grande dame sporting the chapeau cocked with savior faire. There is that color again, that ruddy, salmon color that I long for. The blue eye shadow looks like fun too. I guess all that second hand smoke is going straight to my head. Oh, and did I fail to mention those fabulously
grand gold hoops.

Does 2nd hand smoke of a painting have the same sort of affect on you? I think I need to go lie down, I feel light headed from all that smoke mixed with paint fumes.

I just located this wonderful gal who is all about "Capturing Italy" - for some odd reason, she does have a striking resemblance to the lady in the painting. Have a grande weekend!
wonderful !
Have a brilliant weekend !
She looks very fashionable and deep in thought. I wonder what she is thinking about- maybe about how she should quit smoking.
Sending smoke signals your way for a golden weekend.
Sure my friend you can take the idea, better yet I'll give it to you. Smile... I can't decide what I enjoy more, that it is fun to give out little tokens to friends and strangers or to see their smile. Your special day is right around the corner. xo
Smoking was considered fashionable for a long long time.
I also love that jacker/sweater of her. It brings you into the painting,and then you have time to look at all the details of her. Even her blouse is worth mentioning. Those Ashcan Painters were amazing. And to think they set up school north of Manhattan. Isn't that somewhere in your neighborhood? :)
This woman has lots of cool attitude. Love the image.
I am envious of this woman! And no, I don't wish to become a smoker but I do long for time to sit and reflect and recharge my creative self.
I'm passionately anti-smoking. But that is one gorgeous painting. We can take comfort that in the 1930's this gal didn't think her smoking was hurting anything beyond her reputation!
gorgeous. Those colors! Smoking always LOOKS glamorous -in movies, photographs (and paintings) but keep it away from me, please!
Yes, I am in agreement - I do not like smoke, smoking or second hand smoke, but I do love glamour - but so glad we know that smoking does not equal glamour.
She in that painting looks amazing, cigarette and all -right!
I love smoking in paintings. I know I shouldn't think it, but it always look so old Hollywood.
I've seen her blog and love the Rome images... have a nice one!
I love to see smoking is pics, films, tv! That's one of my fave things about the show Mad Men. xoxo
This is fab! LOVE the colours in the painting, so Twenties and yet so now!
Let's wear hats!
Patricia The Glanding's painting is wonderful!! The was always a glamor about it in the classic movies! I think my Mother and I are both having little bouts now ad then from second hand smoke!!
Great giveaway coming soon my devoted followers!!!!
Art by Karena
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