I've got the power restored here. (Cable, internet and phone are back!)
Forgive me while I do a little dance and pump up the volume.
Well it is after all the day before my birthday! I will be back to living a new normal with power -one year older and wiser!
I am glad to hear things are on the mend. May you have a brithday full of luxuries!
Now I'm singing power songs in my head. I'm glad you've got it back!
WOO HOO!!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! hope it is more AMPED up than ever!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Power woman!!
Great timing...
Hope you are well-rested after your black-out! I always feel lazy when the power goes...what else can you do? Ohhh- your birthday-hmmm... I remembered that! I hope you plan to kick up your heels and dance a little jig, eat lots of cake {please have a slice for me!}, and sip a little bubbly!!! Afterall... it's special!
Great job! And you go girl. Birthdays are the fun moments in life. I hope you get to do something totally fun!!!
Yeah! Yippee! Glad to see you're back!
Happy almost Birthday!!! I just saw reminder on Facebook and came by for some well wishes for a fabulous day, all day, tomorrow. Be sure to buy yourself something special and decadent...XXOO
Nothing says happy birthday like working electronica. Have a good one :)
happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday dear pve.... happy birthday to you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Great that you have power! Doesn't it feel like such a luxury now that we have been without for days on end? Happy Birthday to you...celebrate doing whatever makes you smile!
You got the power my friend and just in time to do the jig to bring in the celebration of your birthday! Yahoo.... xo
A St. Paddy's day gal? Love it! No wonder you are so talented and happy, you have good luck on your side every. single. day! :) Happy Birthday PVE!
Happy, happy birthday Patricia! You have been my muse from the start!
Art by Karena
Hi Patricia, just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comment you left on my guest post over at Mochatini. I have just spent an hour looking at all of your illustrations. You are one talented lady and I am sooooo envious. x
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