Tuesday, February 15, 2011

love to create (books-giveaway)

Update- February 17th -Stephanie is the winner of Creative, Inc.
Congrats to Stephanie~
Are you on a path to higher creativity, many love "The Artist's Way" as course in opening up to discovering the creative you.
Perhaps you have contemplated crafting a business from a "love to create" and need a guide to running a successful freelance business, then this is the book for you.
Many trust true tales of inspiration to help find their "True North" in order to lead a creative life.

When I began this blog, I never imagined how many of us love to design, create and inspire others to find a way to incorporate the need and love to live artfully.

One of the above books shall be given to one randomly selected winner!
All you have to do is leave a comment, select a book and follow me and tell me what you love to create.


The Buzz Blog said...

Never in my dreams would I have thought that I'd be blogging and working with flowers after getting an MBA in Finance! You never do know how or when creative inspiration will strike so The Creative Life speaks to me!

Joyce said...

Hmmm... they all sound good. Which book do you like?

heidiweddendorf.com said...

I am a goldsmith and love creating special pieces of jewelry for my clients. Inspiration is everywhere if you open your eyes and ears and engage your brain.

The Creative Life looks intriguing. I have her other book and enjoyed it.

A sampling of my work is on heidiweddendorf.com.

kimt said...

i am constantly inspired...by beauty, nature, life, food and family. i would enjoy reading the creative life

Maggiotto said...

I wander in this creative life, I could use a good way to find "True North"

margo said...

The Artists Way speaks to me. I am big into needlepoint and embroidery and want to spend more time finishing and designing more projects.

I Dream Of said...

You are inspiring me to pick up the Artists Way again, Patricia. And Creative Life is definitely om my list. Inspiration is everywhere... and I love how our bloggiverse connects us with others who are on their own creative paths.

pve design said...

Finance can be very creative and come in handy for running a successful creative business. Married to a banker and he is pretty creative with numbers.

I think you would like "The Artist's way!"

Wonderful, a goldsmith....that is something I have never tried, but it sounds like such fun.
Thanks for your kind comment and I am now off to check out your work.

thanks for your kind comment and taking the time to share how one is constantly inspired by one's surroundings.

True North indeed....we all need a gps to find our creative self. Thanks for your comment and now I off to see what is new on your blog....Hope all is swell.

Unknown said...

Since this is the 3rd time in a week that The Artist's Way has been mentioned to me...I am taking it as a sign to order it and read it. One of my dear friends read it over a decade ago before a HUGE life change...and it changed the course of her life.

I wake each day, excited to blog and share, something I've learned or something I admire. I am thrilled to have found a creative outlet that works so well for me.

Unknown said...

hi I just called to get into Julia Cameron's workshop in Sate Fe, they might let me in!!!!! I would love the Artist way.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

To do what your heart follows I think is a dream for us all. And a good book with excellent inspiration well, I'm all ears! Great giveaway Patricia.

Happy Wednesday!

Heather Bien said...

I've had Creative, Inc. on my to read list for ages!

EMF said...

I would choose The Creative Life - love reading inspirational stories.

24 Corners said...

Wonderful giveaway and topic! Each of these books would be first reads for me but both of Julia Cameron books sound like must reads. I suppose the first of hers, The Artists Way would be the best place to start...I always love delving into other creative peoples phsyce.
Creativity for many of us in blogland is so wide ranging...I know it is for me. Designing a home, cooking, gardening, drawing, creating cards, music...for me, all of the above are ways I've indulged my creative leanings...so many interests...I can't seem to be able to focus on just one! Blogging/writing of course are another outlet...a very special one too!
xo J~

Southern Lady said...

I think The Creative Life sounds interesting. I don't consider myself as creative, however, I do love to create a lovely home environment. Does that count? Carla

LPC said...

Oh the Artist's Way, before I even realized this was a giveaway. I have a hard time applying tools to writing, since it was always the one space I kept separate from obligation or effort. And yet, now, it's time.

I need to make my creative side more productive. Right now she needs to be coaxed and coddled. Any additional methods I can find, I'll use. Thanks, Patricia. Thanks.

Stephanie Sabbe said...

The Creative Inc book looks awesome! I need all the business help I can get:)

alwaysokc said...

I would love to win The Artists Way. I had planned to take a class beginning in Jan - and it didn't work out. so sad. I used to be super creative and have sort of become caught up with too many household things. I was hoping this would help. I have a girlfriend in the same rut- together we started a blog (which I dont think either of use are ready to share yet) where we pick 3 words and have to photograph them, we live half way around the world from each other. SO far, it has been super fun and great for me.

Gretchen O. said...

The Creative life is one I want to read. I am trying to lead a more creative life, and reading your blog helps me tap into it. To creativity:)

Katherine said...

Love this giveaway! I'd be most interested in finding my 'True North'.

kayce hughes said...

Hmmm ......a smile on someones face, clothing, food, enviting surroundings, drawings, panintings, photographs and children. I am sure I forgot some.