My Mother always told me there would be days like this.
Some days you love and others you hate
Breaks are good. Getting away is good.
Time out for a little blog love-hate list.
Love that blogging is a virtual escape from reality time.
Hate it that it can be a time drain from reality and really doing what (I) should be doing.
Love reading all your comments.
Hate not leaving a comment for each and every one I get. I am like that.
Love getting more work from my blog to create more art.
Hate not being able to say no when I already have a waiting list of work to be done.
Love my blog time.
Hate that blogging takes time. Now do you understand my blog love-hate?
Love taking blog breaks.
Hate it when I take a break, that I might be missing so many fab blog posts.
Love the challenge blogging adds to my day.
Hate that I feel like I am so technically challenged blogging.
Love that blogging has no generation gap.
Hate that I feel old compared some new sparkly blogs.
Love seeing so many pretty images that inspire me.
Hate that I obsess over posting those same images that inspire so many.
Love when I win blog give-away schwag.
Hate when I don't win blog give-away schwag.
Love feeling up-to-date and in the know.
Hate feeling out-of-date or in the dark.
Love knowing that blogs share real issues too.
Hate knowing that some real issues will always be part of life, no matter what.
Tell me is it me, or do you have a blog love-hate relationship?
Care to join me in a little blog love-hate list?
Do you have blog love-hate?
How much time do you spend blogging every week?
Go ahead and leave a comment.
I am taking a wee blog break.
Back with some more "pve" to love soon!