A lovely client came to me with a request for a work of art to give to her Father. How wonderful to have a special memory on campus. Timely for me since I have twin sons who are high school seniors and will be off to college in the Fall.

This week as many students are waiting to receive envelopes or e-mails as to which schools will accept them for the coming Fall, including my twin sons. It is an exciting and somewhat anxiety driven time for students and parents.
If you attended a University, what were some of your favorite memories of being on campus?
Wishing all of the students all over the world much success and happiness on and off campus.
I wouldn't want to be in your sons shoes right now - how nerve wracking to hear from schools! These images remind me of college visits and the fun we had at Georgetown basketball games...
I attended a private college when I was older. The State of Illinois really doesn't care if its wards go to college or not.
I always wanted to go to college but it took ten years of savings to do so. My memories aren't quite that of a naive child embarking on her first solo journey. It was an altogether different experience.
Several years and a few degrees later I realize what an utter waste of time college actully is! I would rather have spent my hard earned money travelling the world. Now THAT is an education!
Seriously, my first day of school I was so very excited to be there. I opened the book for my first class and the lesson was...Christopher Columbus and the New World! We covered that in 4th Grade!
I think college is best for the young because when you are old and jaded like me you know the detritus they spew is worthless.
Just my two cents!
Nonetheless, the artwork, as always, is lovely!
SO charming!! And keeping my fingers crossed that your boys get in to the schools they want!! It's a stressful process that unfortunately doesn't seem to be getting any better. The good news is that all the kids I know through my children seem to be happy at their prospective schools!
Good luck to your boys I hope they get in to their schools of choice. We are just starting the looking process and that alone is a headache I can't even imagine next years stress. My campus memories were omg look at all the cute boys! hee hee!
Beautiful images and a wonderful gift!! ND is a stone throw away from me.
Patricia I am sure the level of emotions are high double the waiting. I have been keeping my fingers cross for your boys. Oh my dear friend your nerves must be made of steel with college prep AND a home with many changes. Of course all leading to a brighter tomorrow. xo
Great artwork! My daughter decided to go to UNC-Chapel Hill last night. She is excited! Can't wait to hear from your boys! Carla
Oh my, how stressful. I hope that they get their top choice for college.
I commuted to college, It was efficient. I made acquaintances and temporary friends for the class or year, but no lifelong friends. My husband went away to college. I am convinced that when you drive away right after classes, you leave behind the moments that make a friendship. The lunches, dinners, breaks between.
Lovely...and I'm an Irish fan so I really love this...the Gold Dome looks amazing!
My husband went to Notre Dame... we have so many beautiful pictures of "the dome" and the grounds.. my favorite place there is The Grotto..... I love your paintings!
Great illustrations of Notre Dame! Best of luck to your boys as they await the big news. (Or have they already heard?) I loved my time at the University of Kentucky. Such a special place for me. One of my graduation gifts was a P. Buckley Moss print from my parents, featuring students walking in front of Memorial Hall on UK's campus. It hangs in my living room to this day. :)
What lovely image of father and daughter!
It it exciting to step into the world and discover live after school, no matter where it takes you!
It is an education!
How are the boys? Thinking of you all!
I am actually going to visit my grad school alma mater this weekend, and since my husband and I got married at the tiny chapel on campus, almost 20 years ago, I'd say that that was my best memory. Much better than passing my PhD oral examination!
Lovely art! Great post!! Walking the steps to "The Hill" at the University of Tennessee + football Saturday in Neyland Stadium!! xoxo
What a great gift to the young girl's father...a treasure for the both of them! Love that idea. I hope your sons get into the school of their choice/s (are they hoping to go together or to two different college?)
Lovely artwork! Oh yes it must be a terribly stressful time for you and your boys...I wish them all the best. Such an exciting time too though...I remember starting University in Rome many, many years ago...Wish I could turn back time! :))
Crossing fingers for your boys. I believe most results are out, by now, but since my youngest is a junior, I'm no longer on top of it. I remember those days, and the sigh of relief I breathed when it was over. I hope your sons just LOVE college, and experience wonderful, valuable, friendships and education.
As the lucky recipient of the beautiful art, I just wanted to extend my most since gratitude to Patricia. My dad loved his painting! I gave it to him for his 60th birthday. After everything he has done for me, I was happy to give him such a wonderfully personal gift in return.
hope it is a good week. i do believe that all of our children end up in the right place sooner or later.
Just lovely! I hope your sons are excepted into the school of their top choice. With their determination and drive, it's no doubt that they are bound to succeed!
Awww, how sweet! I'm sure they will really treasure all the detail you put into those paintings.
I have so many good memories of being on campus, I can't pick! It was a second home to me.
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