Thursday, January 07, 2010

be happy

I stumbled upon this quote online, and thought it was "brilliant!" How often we focus on life without looking to find the "happy" place within. Be deliberate and choose to be happy! Once we understand that, it sure makes whatever else fall into place. Be happy.


Kwana said...

What a wonderful quote. One of my favorite songs is Mary J. Blige's "Be Happy" my long time anthem. It's been running in my head for many years where she sings, "all I really want is to be happy."

pve design said...

I love this old song "Be Happy" sung by Jimmy Durante. Do you know that one?
Off to have a listen and start my day working on some happy sketches.

Helen James said...

I concur wholeheartedly x

Debra said...

So much to be happy about, isn't there? Children see things so simply-and as adults we tend to complicate and muddy the waters at times. Simply be happy!

Southern Aspirations said...

Totally agree because really, happiness is a choice. Lots of bad things happen to people that we can't control. But we CAN control how we let it affect us and how we choose to react to it. I at times forget that I do have choice in all of this! I can choose to focus on the bad and be sad or I can choose to let it go and focus on the happy.

Pretty Neat Designs said...

well said. And a good reminder.

sara@augustfields said...

this is a great innocent and truthful. thanks for sharing! :)

Joyce said...

Wonderful words! Happiness does come from within. For some it is easier for others a little work, but it is there waiting to be discovered. Be happy today my friend! xo

JMW said...

Great quote! Such a wonderful way to start the day, and the new year for that matter!

ArchitectDesign™ said...

I'm happy -how about you? Cheers :-)

littlebyrd said...

Just the reminder I needed. Thanks :) Happy New Year to you Miss PVE!!

The Silent Storyteller said...

How much wisdom..I loved it...

annechovie said...

Very true! Thanks for the great reminder and have a happy day. xo

Deidra said...

I asked my son what he planned to do after graduation. He said, "Have fun." I had to bite my tongue. I'm glad I didn't voice my concerns to him. Later, he shared a plan with concrete steps and strategies. But he's right. Fun is important.

A Gift Wrapped Life said...

Wonderful Patricia.....words to live by in 2010, all of us. XO

Unknown said...

Right on!
Have a happy day!


Sandra said...

That is a fabulous quote! May I grab that image. That one needs to be painted and posted ad infinitum. Your comment on my blog about "a day in the life of a day in my planner" is such a cute idea! I really may have to do that as soon as my new inserts arrive!! Hope you're having a great evening!! xoxo

My Notting Hill said...

I love this quote. I also feel like it's making a comment on institutional education too.

Unknown said...

Love it!
Too bad school gets it all mixed up for us, then it takes us the rest of our lives to figure it out.

Rebecca said...

I too thought the quote was food for thought. I once read about a person who when asked what race they belonged to replied "human". So often I have wanted to put that in the spot when asked to mark my race.

When my then five year old niece was asked at her preschool assessment to answer the following she replied.

What are your eyes for? Blinking
What are your ears for? Cleaning
What is your nose for? Picking

Maria Killam said...

I love this quote!! So great and so true! (thanks for visiting my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I love how kids can get away with saying something so frank. They always get right to the point, which is great.