Tuesday, April 20, 2010

my lady

"Weeping Cherry Tree"- Original pve design 6 x 9 watercolor
Remember her, in all her loveliness, well I had to, I just had to capture her beauty on paper. I am thinking of adding this lady to my etsy shop, a 5 x 7 notecard. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

Your website and artwork are both amazing! I have really enjoyed reading your blog...

I passed on a blogger Happy Award to you. It's on my blog!

The Classic Preppy

24 Corners said...

You did it!!! I was so excited when I saw the little link image!You captured and actually brightened the whole beautiful scene...and the little bird is there too! Such a sweet image.
My first thought when seeing it, before reading your post was..."this should be on a card"!

I would be a taker!
xo Jessica

pve design said...

The Classic Preppy-
Thanks for your kind comments and Happy Award, all adding a pep to my day!

Off to the printer....thanks dear!

Unknown said...

I am glad you did! It's so personal and a lovely reminder of spring later on!


The Shiny Pebble said...

There is that beauty! I love the little bird crossing the road. :)

LindsB said...

ahh I love it!! It is even more beautiful the the real thing- you have such a way with bringing out the best in your illustrations!

Anonymous said...

The little bird makes this a classic and i like that shade of pink.

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Aren't they just the most beautiful trees in the Springtime? I'm glad you captured yours to keep forever.

Deidra said...

Oh...it's beautiful! They are blooming everywhere these days. Yesterday I told my friend that I wished I could figure how to take a picture that would capture fragrances. Wouldn't that be fun?

Unknown said...

You really captured that to perfection...really!

Hamptontoes said...

Beautiful artwork...love the feeling of the image and the little bird in the street is perfection!

Unknown said...

Indeed, love the little bird!
And wouldn't that tree look beautiful, winter, fall and summer, too. Only you can do
it, PVE.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...



Catherine said...

I do remember her, and you've captured her beautifully! xoTrina

Splenderosa said...

Yes, I would be a taker of the watercolor. Definitely. So so pretty, so soft and feminine. The bird delights me! And so do you.

Joyce said...

Makes me want to have a little picnic under this tree and feed the birdie too. Love it! xo

Purple Flowers said...

The beautiful arch of the tree, the color and that cute little bird all add up to a beautiful scene. I'd be happy to see this card in your Etsy shop.

pve design said...

Thanks to each of you for your enthusiastic comments.
I will be adding this "lady" to my etsy shop.

Emily A. Clark said...

Absolutely beautiful! One of my faves :)

Southern Aspirations said...

oh my goodness, I love this! Absolutely!

Splenderosa said...

Would you please email me about the Weeping Cherry Tree watercolor, I thought it would be on Etsy, but I couldn't find it.