pve design illustration - june wedding
June is almost over. This is a month that traditionally is full of love and marriage. This illustration was created for a wedding that took place on an island. With love and marriage there is no one person that can attain this by themselves. It takes two to create a strong and passionate love. Tell me, what is the one thing that you are committed to that helps you to live and to love happily ever after?
I stay committed to honesty, especially with myself. Being true on how I feel and sharing how I feel with others - especially those you love - keeps committed and happy.
What a lovely moment captured in art.
1.Staying truthful to one another. 2.If I can squeeze in a second one - humor (very important).
so far;
being true
sharing feelings
Such a beautiful illustration. I try hard to stay true to being thoughtful and & not self-absorbed. I think the next phase of life is to live it more for the experiences & not so much for what we can obtain. And yes..humor is huge! Great post!
A marriage in the family Saturday night gave me the opportunity to hear the marriage vows...WOW! All that stuff about putting the other one first is still a challenge but rang true.
Beautiful ilustration, Patricia. What a lovely keepsake. Thanks for your sweet comment and support! XO
I love the illustration! I think staying committed helps if you have hope and faith that overrides crummy days. And, having children make all that even more important!
I stay committed to letting him be who he really is....remembering the things that I first found attractive about him. and forgiveness of course.
This is one of my favorites of your work - it's just charming (reminds me a little of the Madeline illustrations?). Photographs are nothing to an original, gorgeous piece of art for your happiest day!
Love the illustration!
I learned a lesson from a wise woman at a shower early in my marriage. She took an adorable picture of the couple and ripped it to shreds. Her advice, "Tear up your idea of marriage and not your partner." I’ve carried that little gem with me over the past 12 years and believe me…it has come in handy!
I think mine is that my husband is gone for most of the month with work...absence does make the heart grow fonder :)
This is a great momento...even better than a photo!
This is adorable! I would love to get one of these prints done when I get married...
By the way, this reminds me that we are going to meet up soon. Can't wait!
Honesty, devotion, and always being his biggest fan! Supporting each other in all of our interests and always laughing even when it has been a rough day!
When my dad died, at his wake my mom said..."he let me be me."
I will never forget that!
What a sublime illustration, it looks like cake. (I don't know a better way to put it.)
As far as staying committed, our one thing is a vow to stay committed and connected spiritually; everything else seems to flow from that.
Love this post Miss PVE, it is more than intriguing to read all of the comments.
May your week be wonderful!
What a beautiful illustration. Tough question. I guess I'm committed to being committed. Is there a happily ever after? Life is always throwing curves. I guess it's how you catch and throw back. So I'm committed to being honest with my feelings and true to myself so that I'm authentic and being my best. I guess that will make me the best in my relationship. Sounds good now that I write it out:)
Oh I love this!!
Committed to... being committed- good times and bad. Cliche perhaps, but so important to remember!
Also, treating the other person in a way that is equivalent to their importance in your life. Too often it's easy to lash out at those who mean the most which is just so backwards.
Beautiful and romantic illustration. My first thought was of JFK Jr's wedding and that one gorgeous picture of he and Caroline coming out of that little old chapel. Liking how the list is forming - very good things.
What a beautiful way to remember such a special day. When the BF and I finally get married I'm definitely coming to you to make something beautiful to remind us of our own special day :)
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