A trip to the museum is always such a special place to visit at any age. I encourage you to take a child and see it from their perspective. Expose them to artwork and also review proper museum etiquette. Keep the visit brief and focus on a few works of art.
Many museums have family tours which are wonderful. They usually are first thing in the morning which is a great time, while minds are fresh and the energy level is good.
Several weeks ago I took 2 girls to the Moma. I love hearing how they view the work and what they deem "good" art.
Do you go to the museum, which one and how often? Did you go to the museum as a child?
I didnt and hate that...I agree though...its about exposure to all things worldly.
I love going to museums, it's so inspiring.
Recently saw the diamond incrustud skull"For the Love of God" by Damian Hirst in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.
Think the Louvre is a fantastic museum but my favorite has to be The Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art.
the MET in nyc has a wonderful class for children called Pause of Pegasus on Friday nights - we did it and loved for 2 + years
thanks for that info, there are so many offerings at museums for kids of all ages.
Patricia...good morning! I have been to several museums, i will say it has been a while though. I went to the MoMA in NY, the MoA of in Chicago, the Ringlings in Sarasota, the Victoria and Albert in London, many Smithsonian, the Louvre, I know there are others. Growing up in southern Cal, we regularly went to museums with school. I took my boys to many science and hands on museums when they were growing up. It is so great to learn. Have a good weekend.
Wow, leave no museum undone, Renae is on her way!
Love your list, and that you took trips to museums along the way -
I love museums! As a child in NJ, my mom made sure she took us into NY from time to time. And we visited museums when we were on vaca. There is a beautiful quilt museum here in my town.
I didn't go as a child, other than a couple of school trips to our Provincial museum in Victoria BC. I'm making up for it now.
I feel different in some way I can't explain when I walk into somewhere like Moma, the Louve, the Met. It's overwhelming in so many ways.
I love seeing groups of school children sketching, or college students on their own in a corner. Nice to see interest in the arts at that level :)
I love going to museums. At my previous job, whenever I would travel with my boss Karen, she would always find interesting museums to visit. So fun! A wonderful way to spend the day.
you know how I feel about museums -SO IMPORTANT, especially for children to open their eyes up to the whole world. I especially love your asymmetrical sketch, with the calder in the middle! My grandparents had one in the corner of their living room and even from the youngest age it was my FAVORITE thing to sit and watch the colored shapes circle around!
Over Christmas break I took my son to the Portland Art Museum for his first visit. We had so much fun! He didn't really enjoy the paintings but when he saw his first sculpture his eyes widened and he asked what it was. He also really enjoyed the modern art installation pieces. It was one of my favorite days with him!
We are spending our spring break at home and the Nelson is on our list. The boys like museums - in small doses.
Mrs. Blandings,
with boys, anything in small doses, unless it involves balls. Tennis balls, Soccer balls, Baseballs, whiffle balls, ping-ping balls, la crosse balls, red balls....
need I say more.
We are so fortunate to have great museums here in Kansas City. The Nelson- Atkins, with the Bloch addition, The Kemper Museum of Contempoarty Art, The Nerman, and of course galleries galore! I started taking my grandchildren when young and they love going to experience the art as well.
I have many great memories of museum visits with my family as a kid and also on dates with boyfriends.It's fun to see art through other people's eyes as well - you can learn a lot about them.
I love a trip to the museum and went often as a child in New York. I loved taking the my kids too when they were younger. The Met is my fave.
One of my very favourite memories is of being at a museum for a special exhibit and seeing a father and his little son standing in front of Munch's The Scream. They stood side by side in complete silence for ages. Finally the father said, "you know, he looks like the kid in Home Alone". The little boy nodded knowingly and they moved on.
I just loved it!
P~Such a sweet illustration! I love visiting a museum- I can get lost and find myself going in circles. We've taken Erin and it was a wonderful experiance for all of us! Truly-seeing it all through the eyes of a child.
One of the best things about living in DC, is that it's the mecca for (free!) museums. My tried and true favorite is the National Gallery of Art. In addition to great headlining exhibits, they have this little photography nook tucked back into a corner that has the most amazing exhibits.
I started visiting museums as a kid in grade school, and I haven't stopped. I've travelled for exhibits that I thought were worthy enough. I flew to Boston for one day to see a specific Monet exhibit-not to be exhibited again. I've flown to Chicago several times for their exhibits. I live near NYC, so I'm always hightailing it in for various exhibits or to just walk around and see the permanent collections. I believe art opens one's eyes to a vast world beyond one's own. I think children should be introduced to art/art history in small doses. It will peak their curiosity.
Great entry! My mother used to take to the museum at least one time per month, she also exposed me to artist exhibitions and I have to say that this experience thought me how to enjoy art.
I tried to go the art gallery every time they have something new. It is really inspiring.
We always went to the museums anywhere we were. Now that it's just me, I am planning on keeping up that practice. I have to hurry to catch the last of Tutankhamun which is here in Dallas. One of my favorite museums is the Kimbell Art Museum in Ft. Worth. I love the Georgia O'Keefe Museum in Santa Fe, and of course all the museums in NY, though I haven't been in over 10 years. I have a niece that loves art and is now old enough to appreciate it, so we will be going buddies. I love viewing art through a child's eyes. The Dallas Museum of Art has a good children's museum. Of course my be-all and end alls would be the Louvre if I had 4 days or more just to devote to it and the museums in St. Petersburg.
I love museums..i could stay for hours. I wrote one of my thesis' in college for my religious studies major on the representaion of the Virgin Mary in Christian Art in Italy. it was kind awesome. I must say though, Im not a modern art fan as much though..
We just took my son to the Philadelphia Museum of Art and he was amazed! Until we got to the Modern Art section. When I spied the Empty Coke Bottle and said "Mom, someone left their trash!" :)
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