(Winner from the fab friday give away goes to Granny Smith Green!)
The boxes which line the walls of the small and Tender Buttons shop
As a child, I was always fascinated with buttons and curious with things like bound button-holes too. I began sewing in the 3rd grade and made my very own cotton calico dress. Trips to the local fabric shoppe were a heady experience as the dyes of the textiles were so pungent and the trimmings to me were like candy.

On a recent trip to New York City my list included a stop to Tender Buttons.
The tiny shop has a tender heart with a vast collection of buttons. Part of my master plan was to see if my daughter would display any tendencies to the notion of sewing an Easter ensemble.
It is a spot where one can reminisce about people and their corresponding buttons. My Mother-in-law loves "fancy" buttons and we both spotted some which reminded us of her.
Just think how those shiny brass buttons sewn on Peter Rabbit's Jacket made it "quite new."
Creative touches or trims often breathe new life and can shine, like that of freshly polished shoes or silver. How will you choose to "button it" this spring and give someone something to talk about?
Wow! An original PVE?!?! I'm thrilled! I will display it proudly with my BUTTONS POPPING! Thank you so much, PVE! I'm so excited!
I love buttons and even have a little collection of them. What a neat shop - maybe I'll have a chance to visit on my next trip to Manhattan.
what a great shop- I love buttons too PVE. I have bought some at MJTrimmings just to save them back for SOmething SOmetime. My mom made paints and was very creative- she could work a pattern 10 ways to Sunday! By the way- loved YOUR fab Friday post best- but I'll button it.G
lol, buttons popping! Now tell me what you would like your illustration to be and where to send.
Pearls of Grace was inspiring. So glad you pushed my button and told me to go.
ok- so lame of me not to get that you were doing a fab friday contest too- oh well- congrats to grannysmithgreen!g.
I could lose absolute hours in this shop! I can never resist beautiful buttons and I keep them in a special little box where I take them out occasionally and go through them all like precious stones.
Gorgeous shop, buttons look amazing. I love buttons but hate sewing them on! Have a great Monday!
this is one of my all-time favorite shops in nyc - so, did your daughter display the sewing gene?
Oh, I love sewing them on and only wish I were there to help you. Stop and take a look at the way some buttons are sewn on, 2 hole, 4 hole and use contrast thread or make an X. Buttons are a great conversation starter and I know a lot of Germans who sew. I love "Burda" patterns. Do you sew?
This shop is one I think I could get lost in for hours. I love how it reminds me of shops growing up. I don't sew (might give it a try again), but I do love buttons some are a work of art. Patricia do they carry vintage ones too? xoxo
Patricia...what a great shop! It looks like it could be on the streets of Alexandria, VA.
Yes,she is working on a special ensemble! The apple never falls far from the tree.
you would love it!
yes, they have some that Lincoln wore!
you would love it and the people that work there too.
I remember that two women opened this shop originally- are they still there? I have a nice collection of buttons and have always wanted to visit- shall we go? Love the cozy look of Tender Buttons. Button, button, who's got the button?
i LOVE that shop!!!!!!! Must plan trip there soon.
Debra, Heidi-
Just say when to hit the button!
Love to go there with both of you fabulous ladies.
buttons are great, you can really change an outfit or anything really with new buttons.
I grew up on tv, and its been a bad habit I have never broken..I feel bad because my kids love it to..but the good thing is they are smart kids (wipe the sweat from my head)...If Dynasty or The Colbys came back today I would be front and center...
Luv the shop, I wish we have something like that here. I like buttons as well, they're like jewelry for the piece.
Thanks for leaving me a comment! It's nice to be able to read your blog.
oh. buttons. button shops. happy!
I've bought buttons just because I am inspired by them - quirky, beautiful little works of art.
This is heaven for me :)
Oooh, what a cute store! I'll have to hit that up on my next trip in to the city!
I adore lovely little trinkets and such.
Oh MY...I want to *live* at Tender Buttons!! Then, maybe I'd learn to sew...(I started to this past year...but have been on a long hiatus...). Count me in on the next trip. :-)
I've been meaning to go to Tender Buttons forever, to mend a vintage coat. I'm so lazy!
I have such a tender spot for Tender Buttons! Am so jealous you can go there whenever you like. Lovely photos, too. xxx
Wendy -
Perhaps you could add some buttons to your jewelry line and save yourself a trip! Love to see your vintage coat.
Oh, I can only imagine the buttons you would choose,
something eccentric, a button that would speak volumes.
So, so sweet. Buttons make me so happy, and I can spend hours hunting through thrift store bins to look for perfect vintage buttons. This store looks lovely.
oh I want to go there! how fun! I have a few jackets I would love to put more beautiful buttons on. Luckily -sewing buttons is something I can do (my only sewing skill!).
That is an AMAZING store! I would soooo like to turn a few of those into bling cocktail rings!
love tender buttons...used to go there alot in my clothing design days...fun to see again!
love your blog... and will return!
How I love this shop! I've been to a TB in Chicago (now closed?) and remember a fab little button shop in London too. . . What would La Stein have thought?
Have you checked out Tinsel Trading Company?
Love those kinds of stores, they are so special!
ooooooh! We LOVE all of those buttons! What a great find!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
wow this shop is amazing!
Are you kidding me?! There is an entire store dedicated to buttons!? Had I known this tid bit of information I would have taken residence across the street just to spend days on end in button land. I adore buttons!
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