Sunday has always symbolized a day to reflect, a day to ponder the wonders of things. One thing that I ponder today is the collection of objects I arrange, some new and some old, bring about change. The color purple has always made me think of Spring, of change and is a color that is so royal, so soothing, and easy on they eye. Growing up, there was a family who always wore quite a lot of purple and the shrubbery around their home reminded me of Dr.Suess.
My younger brother Doug, also used to love the word, "purple" and sang this sweet little song, about the "purple bunny coming down the purple street." The way he pronounced purple was full of charm, "pu*-ple" however the r was silent. Bunnies also seem to be hopping around and those tiny little flowers shall soon greet me with the ever so sweetest shade of purple. Purple jelly beans in a bowl and shades of violet deserve credit this time of year.
The above painting was a recent winning from Karena, titled "Golden Glow" - if you look closely the band in the center has purple. The royal purple vase and tulips were a gift from Camila. A little bird was a gift long ago from my wonderful caregiver, Ernie. She gave this to me years ago, it was hand-carved from Belize. Lately, I have also been noticing lots of birds and little birds seem to be telling one another that it is my birthday this tuesday.
I suddenly fast forward to the wearing of the green this week, since I was born on St.Paddy's.
Come back for some green.
15 comments: I love the colour purple. Some shades of purple have this comforting effect on me and I also think it can be a rahter sophisticated colour.
Nice photo / still-life.
What a calming Sunday shelf. Karena's painting looks so pretty among Camila's vase and tulips. What a sweet little bird from your dear friend. Well I imgaine this is a lucky week for you~ will you be wear'n of the green?
I just knew you would love those "tulips" and yes, I now am so open to this purple hue - You are so right, it has a sophisticated lady look!
I hope that perhaps this inspires my sister Liz to paint this for me. One day, I hope to show you my collection of "birdies" and yes, I am imagining a week full of joy for another year. I am much better at giving - than receiving, it actually makes me feel a little awkward, in a good way.
Patricia, My painting looks beautiful on your shelf alongside your other special items, I do love purple,tulips are a favorite flower,and I expect to see the barnswallows return to their spring nest any time now!
Happy birthday, Patricia!
I love your purple shelf! Purple was my one and only favorite color as a child. There was a house actually painted purple. I guess I used to beg my parents to drive me by "my purple house". LOL..
Karena's painting is very pretty and calming. It fits perfect in your royal section.
Yahoo... birds are flying high and low sharing in the big celebration this week! I love celebrations!
Hey it just dawned on me. Is this how your name was choosen? Being born on St. Patrick's Day?
Enjoy your wonderful Sunday! xoxo
Happy almost Birthday!
Uh...when's your B-Day?? Tomorrow?? Did I miss something?? Is it written somewhere??
Purple is beautiful and quite welcome during this time of year. I'll be thinking about your happy birthday coming up this week! I hope it's filled with flowers, peace, and maybe a good Guinness!
I for one am ready for spring. The past week was beautiful. The sun was glowing in the afternoon sky and although it was crisp it felt good to have the sun on my shoulders once again. Purple reminds me of the tulip fields here in Skagit County. In full bloom regalia, they are stunning. we have snow and big ominous clouds *sigh* :{
I love purple!
Gorgeous it looks like A still life!
And tuesday I am going to sing a BDay song for you! and perhapse a little dance ;)
This is your week my friend! I'll wear green for you. xoxo
You're a St. Paddy's baby?! How fabulous! This is why you are Patricia, yes? Double fabulous! :-)
Tulips are my favourite! And the colour of transformation is always a good one to have in the house.
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