Edna Mode (from The Incredibles) and Edith Head ( An American Costume designer) are incredible women in my book. Look how much they have in common. Both gals known for the chunky frames and the flat bangs. Ageless and timeless chic.
Hope each of you know how incredible you are to me. What's your trademark that makes you incredible?
My Honey lovessssss her..we always walk around and talk in her voice saying dahling dahling...yah yah yah...
Goodness...I'm going to have to think about it a little bit.
They are true divas!
So cute - I have to educate myself on both icons! I'm going to have to think on this one too. I'm trying to sew more...I completed a curved hem on my daughter's apron last night after almost throwing my machine out my window. I hung in there and the third hem was finally decent - that's fab in my book!
What a fun question. Let's see...I'd say, if I had a trademark, it would be my predictability. Scary to admit, I've had the same hair style and earrings since I was 16-and I'm no where near the teens any more! What about you, PVE?
Hmmm.... I don't think I have a trademark, but I love these gals and their trademarks.
I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!
Love her home in the Incredibles as well...my favorite part of the movie. Trademark? I guess I wear a lot of black.
Oh great question. I've always wanted to have a trademark. Something that totally screamed me,but I don't think I have one. I'll have to think about it.
Hmm, I really had to think about this. I would say my sense of style (classic, w updates)A year ago after having surgery I decided to get my ears repierced. Now I love to wear unusual earrings and often a scarf!
No trade mark here....
Thank you for helping to keep the legacy alive! I perform a woman show A CONVERSATION WITH EDITH HEAD
I'm told that I flail a lot when when I talk...talking with my hands I guess.
Wow. They look so much alike!!
My trademark seems to be my fair,
er, untanned, skin.
OMG, they really look alike.
My trademark would be Black clothings.....I only wear Black and always black sunglasses.
Two great divas!!
I love that you got me thinking about my trademark - I guess mine would be fair skin and pink cheeks that get really rosey when I get excited about something.
Have a great day Patricia!!
P~ I hope that yesterday was a banner day for you! Hmmm... trademark-Oh, I would have to say- a white shirt- boring.
hmmm... I think I've always sort of wanted to have a signature look/ trademark but really don't have it... I used to think when I was younger that when I grew up I would have a perfume that I'd always wear so ppl would associate it with me (I have a very strong sense of smell) but I haven't stuck to that either!! :)
Happy birthday (yesterday) PVE! I am off to the Orangette book signing tonight and trying to drag BMcL with me (she used to be my boss - small word!) I would say, these days, my trademark is cooking and baking, I never leave the house without something freshly baked to give someone, it is my favorite way to great a friend. Love those ladies - The Incredibles are the best!!
Such a good question Patricia...my trademark would be big silver bracelets. I like to wear layers of silver. I mix cuffs with links and smooth and textured all together.
I believe my trademark to be scarves. I have collected quite a few over many years, and wear them consistently. My clothes remain rather simple, but the adornment is a scarf. Sometimes, when the scarves are large, I make them into a shawl, which is great fun! And I love the simple small square scarf that gets tied around the neck (square knot) and floats in the wind.
wow, I love this comparison.
Oh my goodness, this post totally made my smile. I really Loved the Incredibles and Edna the designer in the film. I watched the Incredibles several times :)
I'd say my trademark is wearing black, layering, and perfume. Boots in the winter. I live in the above lol.
Karen Olivia
Trademark? I would say that my favorite perfume is now becoming my trademark, its intoxicating!
Carnal Flower...
As for Edith Head, Have you ever seen the movie "What a way to go"?
An old movie with about 70 Edith Head costume changes. I posted it last night on my blog, so funny to find this post today, BANANAS!!!
have a peek at the movie, if you don't know it
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