As the Summer heat waves burn like a wild fire, we think of heading to beaches to stay cool.

Have you ever been to "Fire Island?"

Seems an outdoor shower and a bike are all one needs at the beach.

Shelves for towels, sunscreen, and suits and Summer reading material.
Lots of white and zany zesty color says Summer.
Take a look over here.
all images Alexandra Angle
So true! Passionate colors indeed!
Love the design on Fire Island!
I have never been there, but I guess a visit is in order one day soon!
Greetings from the enticing South!
Never been to Fire Island....but when at the Shore....out door shower is the best and a bike ride was so fun and peaceful. Have a wonderful day!
Oh WOW...looks wonderful...I LOVE the freshness of it ALL...very Scandi in style.
I have never been to Fire Island but have heard it is gorgeous!
Love those images - summer at its finest!!
Happy day, Patricia!
xo E
I have never been to Fire Island, but have heard it's a wonderful place to vacation. I could use a visit right about now. ;)
BTW, reading through your last few posts and saw the one about your son heading off to school - best of luck to him, and to you!
Loving the summer vibe here - back from the beach and missing it already!
Curious now, why is it called "fire island"?
And outdoor showers are such a very fun part of summer. Sending you some of our winter/almost spring cooler weather in my thoughts!
Looks lovely. I saw your J. M. MacLaughlin at the beach last week (yes, I think of it as "your" shop!) . . .
LOTS of white. And, maybe an Hermès towel or two ;)
This makes me want to redo my grandmother's beach house...like tomorrow. Amazing!
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