Tuesday, March 29, 2011

slow cooker

Meet my new slow cooker. My twin sons gave me this baby for my birthday.
I did drop a hint that I'd love one! Especially after seeing so many articles on how the slow cooker is back in fashion.
Keep in mind that today's slow cooker is not your mother's crock pot!
I keep finding lots of healthy inspiration over here.

This ceramic insert can be served right to the table and makes clean up a breeze.
I can't decide what I love more, the slow cooker or the fast clean up!
Are you a member of the slow cook revolution in this fast paced life?


meenal bishnoi said...

this looks promising..would be perfect for making indian biryani( a rice dish)!! do visit my blog to check out my post on a luxurious destination, when you have a moment!have a lovely day, patricia... xx meenal

Ann said...

Oh you're lucky to have it...
props to your children:)

They say its a cool one to have in the kitchen... and quite a few healthy recipes you can do with it ♥

Ryland Witt said...

My husband has a really scary looking crockpot that he took from his parent's yard sale 10 years ago- I have never been able to actually use it...the slow cooker may be my replacement! Great idea!

The Buzz Blog said...

There's nothing like throwing a couple of healthy ingredients in the morning and having a yummy dinner at the end of a busy day - we slow cook on Saturdays when baseball season kicks in! What a lucky girl you are!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love my slow cooker my daughter gave me for Christmas! Need any recipes let me know I have 2 I made recently that were out of this world.

Haughty by Nature said...

There were a bunch of great slow cooker recipes in a recent issue of Real Simple, including a DELICIOUS lasagne. It was great to come home and have dinner already made!

Crystal said...

I love my slow cooker! When I am at work I simply pop a healthy meal into it and when I get home dinner is done! I don't think I could live without one. In fact since you reminded me about it and I am going to a Lecture this evening, I am going to put something in it right now! Enjoy your new slow cooker! :-)

Unknown said...

I have one and never use it. I know it would be great, but don't have a great recipe. I'll look into that book you mentioned. Maybe that will do the trick.

And, easy clean up - that's speaking to me!!

Anonymous said...

Love them.....and I actually have three (or maybe four...not sure...I've lost count)! My favorite is the one with the locking lid, that's great for traveling. Now when I have to take a soup or stew to share at a group event, the inside of my car stays nice and clean. No sloshing or spilling!

Enjoy your beautiful new slow cooker!

"The Classic Preppy"

Belle on Heels said...

oh i just ADORE my slow cooker!! i would highly recommend the slow cooker green chili pork tacos on tasty kitchen. easy breezy, SO delicious, and a one pot meal!

I Dream Of said...

Fast clean up is always good. I don't have a slow cooker, but my friend Heidi does and makes the most delicious duck bolognese in it. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! Have fun in the slow lane.

Aspiring Kennedy said...

they are the best!! i love mine! i'm convinced you can put any ingredients in a slow cooker, let sit for 6 hours, and find something that will change your life waiting in it when you return...

in fact, i may need to do a little science experiment. :)

Joyce said...

A kitchen isn't complete without a slow cooker. I love mine, but think she has seen her better days. xo

Moments and Impressions said...

I love me slow cooker... I just made Chana Dal in it the other day and it was Yummy! I am going to check out those books you mentioned.

Divine Theatre said...

What a thoughtful gift!
I wonder if they have a microwave slow cooker? I am always in such a hurry! LOL!

Unknown said...

What a great gift! Surely the givers will greatly benefit from it's installment....;)
I got one too a few weeks ago and every meal with it has been a hit!
Lets share some good recipes, please!
I tried a few stews, good, but one can do so much more!
Here is to slow cooked and slowly eaten meals!

LPC said...

Yes, I love my slow cooker. Chicken adobo is my absolute favorite. Vinegar, soy sauce, bay leaf. And the minimal cleanup is the greatest.

Stephanie Sabbe said...

we love ours too! we actually recieved two at our wedding...southerners

Kwana said...

I do love my slow cooker. It makes life easy. I must pull it out again. Thanks for the reminder.

CREED said...

Happy Birthday PVE!!! I hope you enjoy some wonderful family meals with your new slow cooker. I love the concept and bought myself one recently, but haven't had much success,,,,,must check out the recipe books you suggested and try it again.

3 Peanuts said...

I do like my slow cooker but I definitely need more healthy recipes...I might get that second book...

Camille said...

What a sweet gift from your boys! I love how the slow cooker makes tough meat tender.

Anonymous said...

Slow cooking is a revelation! Such an easy way to cook (especially with children!)

kayce hughes said...

I can't wait to hear how you like it. I have been wanting one. Mine would need to be an XXL.

la la Lovely said...

I've started using my slow cooker every Tues (my busy day). I have to say I'd love a newer one and what I'm needing even more are some great recipes for it!
xo Trina