Thursday, March 10, 2011

simple blogging (give-away)

Winner is Claudia of Wish you were here blog....congrats to you Claudia!
Blogger Rachel Meeks has offered to give-away one lucky reader a copy of her Simple Blogging (download) book which keeps all things in perspective to motivate one to better blogging with less computer time. Leave a comment and Friday, I will simply announce one lucky winner.
Thanks Rachel!


katecreativesalvage said...

Hi: I so love this book, I'm a new blogger and would love to have the book, I become a follower,

Susan McClaskey said...

I'd love some practical help and this sounds like just the thing!

M. Denise C. said...

New ideas for motivation sound great. Thanks, MDC

living well said...

I could definitely use some ideas! Thanks for the giveaway!

Southern Lady said...

Sounds like a book I could use! Carla

Unknown said...


There are some really creative people blogging who have honed their skills and want to help others. Great idea for of a book on simple blogging.


Just Martha said...

This would be really handy. My son asked me this morning why I spend so much time 'doing my blog'. Can't be helped really. Or maybe i could be more time efficient...

john bord said...

very marketable title

Karena said...

Patricia is it possible??!! Oh yes enter me!

Art by Karena

Kate Nyquist said...

i could really do with a book like that! it would be really helpful ;)
Kate x

Claudia Lane said...

Just what I need! Am fairly new at blogging and although am loving every minute of it I wouldn't mind some real advice...I'd love to improve my "blogging skills"! Thanks for the opportunity Rachel :))

Heather Wiese-Alexander said...

I think it's technically past Friday, But I'd love the book!!

Debra said...

Simply stated.... I could certainly use this! xox

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love it less time more productive! Sign me up!

LPC said...

Yes. Please. Simply.

Privet and Holly said...

Gosh, a book written
just for moi : ) ~
I NEED this!!!
Thank you for the
chance to win this
wonderful offering!
xx Suzanne

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

I haven't heard of this book, sounds like it would be full of great ideas! Janell

Joyce said...

I would love to have more time, managed time, sleeping time etc... Have you had time to read this? No pun intended. smile... xo

Annabella said...

Oh this book would be great - I`m a new blogger and would love you to come over and visit. Great giveaway - many thanks!

Unknown said...

Just the thing for a b - addict! : )
Count me in, please!


Bruce Barone said...

AH. Perspective is a good thing!

debra @ 5th and state said...

if i win or not is no problem. that there is a book that speaks to my blogging issues...priceless!

thank you patricia to bringing it to our attention

quintessence said...

Well that is certainly something I need!! I spend endless hours in front of my screen researching and writing - if there is a way to do it more efficiently - I'm all ears!!

Amy said...

I'd love to enter! I just started blogging and this book would be so helpful. Thanks!

Pam G said...

always ready to learn! Pam

Katja Maki said...

What a great giveaway! Thanks! I really need my blogging time simplified and made much more easier! I feel like am at a crossroads not sure which way my blog should go! This book would definitely help me out!!

Honeybee Ministries said...

I want it!!! and I need it. :)

Unknown said...

great giveaway! I'm very interested to read her perspective on blogging.

Unknown said...

Great for a wanne be blogger like me. It sounds like it has great information to launch and maintain
a blog.
Best wishes,

Kathysue said...

This sounds like a must read for all blog authors. Sign me up. I am still amazed at what seems to be good writing and what readers seem to like. Blogging can be a real mystery at times to me. Sign me up please, fingers crossed Kathysue

Michelle said...

Now, that's a great to be able to be more efficient at the computer :)

How's the studio space coming along?


Lindsey said...

That sounds like such an interesting, helpful read!!

Happy Friday & thank you for the comment you left on my blog!!!

Have a great weekend!!

Elizabeth@themustardceiling said...

Exciting, I would love some pointers. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a brilliant book!