Sunday, January 31, 2010
mirepoix minutes

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friends Design Obsession

Friday, January 29, 2010
special reserve


Thursday, January 28, 2010
heart eddie

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
royal couples "give-away"

photo of "Jerramy Fine" photo credit - "tea" by Rebecca Harley
With great pleasure, allow me to introduce "Jerramy Fine" writer and author of, a memoir "Someday my Prince will come"
1. My mission is to design - inspire and create and artful life- what would you say your mission is as a writer? (other than that of the pursuit of a royal!)
I write not because I want to, but because I need to! If I don’t get everything inside my crazy head (and even crazier heart) down on paper, I get restless. So I figure while I’m at, I had better make my writing contribute to the greater good. I want it to amuse, to inspire, to give readers faith in happily ever after whilst teaching them to have faith in themselves. It is quite a large order and I have no idea if I even come close to achieving this – but I try!

2. How did the creation of this book originate and how long did it take from start to publish? When did you realize that humour was your way to express yourself?
When I met my childhood crush at the age of 25, I knew I had a story to tell. Luckily for me, my agent used to have a crush on Prince Edward and my editor used to write letters to Prince Albert Monaco! These two women immediately understood the theme of my memoir and how relatable it was for wannabe-princess the world over . Perhaps my book landed in the right hands at the right time, but because of this, the publishing deal happened quite quickly. It took me about 9 months to finish it and but it was a more than 18 months after I signed the contract before the book actually hits the shelves. I never set out specifically to be funny – but I learned long ago to laugh rather than cry so I’m sure this attitude seeps into my writing.

3. What advice would you give to other writers or artists who are working towards getting published?
Don’t try to write the entire book before getting a book deal! Just write three really great chapters (and an outline of the rest) and start sending it out to agents asap!
4. What sorts of ways do you add artful touches to your life to make you feel more "royal?"
I surround myself with velvet cushions, pre-Raphaelite prints, and classical music from the royal courts; I indulge in Chanel perfume and expensive chocolate; I tend to take taxis when I really should take the tube, and I try to get a massage every month. I also rarely leave the house without high heels and pearls!

5. In college, we watched Princess Diana's royal wedding, do you think another Royal Wedding is about to be televised?

I was only 4 years-old when I watched Diana’s wedding (my grandparents taped it for me), but it is something has had a life-long impact on my psyche. I do think Prince William will marry Kate Middleton in the next 2-3 years. Our world is crying out for magic these days so new royal wedding may be just what the doctor ordered!
6. Do you write every day or do you spend more time promoting your book? (you do not have to answer this one)
I try to write something every day (even if it’s just paragraph for one of my many new books-in-progress). I wish I didn’t have to spend so much time on promotion, but if I am to compete with the Twilight I must persevere! My facebook and twitter pages take up an amazing amount of time, but the feedback I get from readers makes it so worthwhile. As much as the business side of publishing drives me nuts, it warms my heart to know I have inspired so many girls to go after their dream.

Thank-you Jerramy for this "royal" interview keeping the dream alive and the fairy tale too in each of our creative hearts. Feel free to leave a comment, which royal couple made an impression on your wannabe princess heart? The winner of the bookends and the book will be randomly selected and posted this Thursday.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
good karma

couples on safari

Monday, January 25, 2010
like no other...


Sunday, January 24, 2010
a bowl of cherries
Friday, January 22, 2010
getting testy


Thursday, January 21, 2010
summer time all year long

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
supper time

baby steps

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
ecstatic felicitations

Saturday, January 16, 2010
speak up

Friday, January 15, 2010
Give now

In the wake of the recent magnitude earthquake in Haiti, Charlotte Moss is encouraging those in the design world to act now to help those in need. Over half of Haiti's population is under age 18 and the mother in me yearns to be there to hold and help these precious young ones. Moss herself has pledged ten thousand dollars to aid in the relief effort and she is hoping that her gift will be matched and even exceeded by those in the design community. Please follow this link to Unicef where you can make your donation and learn more. I also ask you, if you are a person of prayer, to pray, pray, pray for the Haitian people who are experiencing such devastation
Thursday, January 14, 2010
bar none
table talk