Friday, September 14, 2012


Taking a moment to express my gratitude for your support of my artwork.  The above artwork was painted a few years ago for Anna over at Absolutely Beautiful Things and there are note-cards in my etsy shop which have been selling this week.  Each order, sale and inquiry does truly make me feel so loved.  Thank-you.  Wishing each of you a wonderful weekend.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Patricia, for bringing so much cheer into our lives! I'm sorry I haven't sent you a commission yet, but my house is in no kind of shape to receive your art! Hopefully someday!

pve design said...

Oh it saddens me to think that you might not think your home is pve worthy. With a little creative license I can sprinkle a little magic....I always love a challenge!

Anna Spiro said...

And mum loves it Patricia!xx

pve design said...

Thank-you. I need to paint you and your Mum some more pretties to express my gratitude for your inspiration. Be well. Hug those handsome boys.
I really need to visit Australia and your shop!

Holly Gruszka said...

I hope to send you a commission one of these days. I really enjoy your work and I often browse your shop to see what new goodies have been added. Hard work pays off - enjoy your weekend.

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Hi Patricia -

I love your work and hope to have you paint my home someday...Or maybe a logo for my blog. Your posts are always a breath of fresh air. Thank you!!

the gardener's cottage said...

gratitude is the answer to everything. thanks for sharing your beautiful art and talent with the world. you make the earth a better place. xo



I Dream Of said...

Your work is so lovely, Patricia. And perfectly matched to the client, too. I can tell just by looking that this was painted for Anna. You have such talent - and create such joy with your work.
Happy Weekend! XO

The Buzz Blog said...

We feel the same way about our designs, too. It's nice to know that all your hard work and talent is appreciated... Thank you, pve, for such pretty paintings! Happy weekend.
C + C

eLIZabeth Floyd said...


I love how you take so much from the world and give back by creating such wonderful and lively pieces of art.

Have a wonderful weekend.


PS. I am full of gratitude for the constant inspiration your blog provides, thank you for all the time you put into it :)

Carolina Elizabeth said...

Awww. Thank you so very much for the lovely comment on my blog. I've been a big fan of your work, so it's such an honor that you've stopped by my blog. Have a lovely evening. Carolina Elizabeth

MJH Design Arts said...

And a million "thank yous" to you for your missives from the heart every day.. My inspiration. Mary

Beadboard UpCountry said...

Sooo Pretty! You never dissapint just keep raising your own bar!!!!!Maryanne xo

Woodside Park said...

Hi, Patricia -
I am finding the right house for you to day :) Many of my projects are quite neutral and white. I worry they won't translate very well into paintings. They can even be very difficult to photograph.

LindsB said...

15You are such a talented artist, but what is even more amazing is that you are genuinely the sweetest, kindest most thoughtful person I have ever had the privilege of knowing!