Sunday, September 23, 2012

overjoyed applause

Are you living life with overjoyed

Read this inspiring post from zen habits.

From the time we are small we learn to find ways for applause.
Life's grief's or struggles can get in the way of finding joy.
We all need to find the wonder of life and applaud it daily.

Thank-you to The House that A-M built for sharing the applause.
It was just what I needed.


Acquired Objects said...

We always need to find the joy in life and applaude it.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Diane said...

I am giving a standing ovation and passing it on!

MJH Design Arts said...

OH!! Thank you. Yes, I needed this. To applaud the day!! It had never occurred to me. But, YES!!! Every day deserves to be welcomed.( I signed up for this blog just now)
Have a wonderful joyful creative week.

BRASWELL said...

What a wonderful thought + I applaud you, the day, + myself loudly.