Thursday, April 26, 2012

River Arts Studio Tour

This weekend is the River Arts studio tour.  Click here and there you will find a link to download a map.
I will be spending today finishing up a few items and preparing to open my studio.  To those of you that live nearby, there are 65 artists participating.  I wish I could go to see all the other fellow artisans, however I will be busy manning my own studio.   Hope to see you there, I mean here at my studio.
There are still a few unfinished items to complete my studio but I am excited to share it with my visitors.


Anonymous said...

Would love to come along,hope you have a brilliant day!

Purple Flowers said...

Patricia - I'm sure you will have a great time as you show people where you create beautiful illustrations.

Joyce said...

My heart and thoughts will be with you this weekend. There is so much to celebrate in your corner between your beautiful show and wonderful news of your sweet friend Kwana. Another moment I wish we lived nearby.
When you come up for air please share. I can't wait to see the cookies. Sure thing once we get the place in shape you are more than welcome to visit. Wishing you great success, new friendships and fun this weekend!! xo

quintessence said...

So wish I could come but have a jam packed weekend. I'm sure you'll be a star on the tour!! Best of luck and have fun!!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

Your guests will no doubt leave inspired to "live a creative life!" Have a great tour

I Dream Of said...

Wish I was there to follow the tour! I'm picturing you wearing your signature green - either a statement making splash or the perfect pop. Elegant black with PVE green shoes, perhaps? Have a wonderful time! XO

BRASWELL said...

Lots of people are showing up at your Studio. Happy Day!