Wednesday, April 25, 2012


 I awake in the morning to the sweetest chirping of the birdies outside my window.

I had a parakeet growing up.  There is always an unhappy ending with real pets.  They become a part of our lives and then the the loss or the memory stays with us as time passes.  
Somehow these works of art seem much more invincible.
How sweet would these be in a nursery or a child's room.
I found them here.

The Apartment has some wonderful works of art.
I'd love to fly off to Denmark for this opening.
I read about it in the NY Times.


Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

Oh, how I love to wake up to the sound of birds chirping too...... one of life's little pleasures. Love these!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love the birds chirping this morning they are happy the snow is gone and the sun is shinning! Beautiful displays of our fine feathered friends. Have a wonderful day!

Joyce said...

I agree a bird theme for a nursery would be so neat. I not only think fond memories our dogs Kelly, Buddy and Penny that I grew up with, but our bird Chico too. Thank goodness our hearts are big to hold all of the fond memories and loves throughout our lives. xo

Unknown said...

These are really sweet...perfect for a child's room.

I love hearing the birds chirping on my morning walks with Molly. Such a sweet sound!

Enjoy this beautiful day!
xo Elizabwth

Kwana said...

These are so lovely. What a great find.

I Dream Of said...

I also had a parakeet growing up. And some dear little finches. You are right, sad endings but happy memories. Since I've enjoyed lingering over my coffee at home this week, I've been so much more aware of the symphony of birdsong out my window. I bet if the little birdies you've found here could sing, there songs would be so sweet. XO

the gardener's cottage said...

these are just so sweet!

i am having such a hard time with the new blogger format. i have lost my reading list and am unable to post pictures and some are saying they cannot leave comments. v. frustrating - so this sweetness lifts my mood! xo

BRASWELL said...

Birds, any kind + I adore them(songs yes!) These are charming!