Friday, April 27, 2012

River Arts - open studio tour

Busy setting up for the River Arts Tour and now I am going to take a walk and a rest.  My dear friend Amy Joy Garden delivered a terrarium for my table and her business cards too.  I love how creativity can be not only artwork but in the garden, after all so much of what I paint is inspired by flora, fauna and life.


The Buzz Blog said...

What a sweet gesture - that terrarium is lovely. A perfect compliment to your beautiful art! Hope all goes well with the tour.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful event!! I love all that you've assembled. It's a wonderful representation of your talent!!!

xoxo Elizabeth

Unknown said...


Jennifer C. Webb said...

your garden and studio....two happy oases. Have a great tour

Purple Flowers said...

Have a wonderful time showing your new studio,meeting people, and sharing a part of yourself.

pve design said...

Thank-you Buzz ladies...Elizabeth, Patricia, Jennifer and Kathleen....
I know I owe each of you a big fat hug and a thanks for your support. Nice to know I have a fan club cheering me on.

MJH Design Arts said...

Everything is looking gorgeous. I wish that California were not such a schelp (sp?). Wishing you a wonderful week-end filled with joy and affirmations. Mary

Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow beautiful set up....can't wait to hear how it goes!Have a wonderful weekend!

Joyce said...

I loved everything I have seen and I know others will too! I love the glass container garden. I hope you have nice weather. Enjoy!! xo

Unknown said...
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Reggie Darling said...

Good luck with the tour, I am sure it will be a great success! RD

Acquired Objects said...

Wow your studio really came together well Patricia, congratulations. I hope you had a wonderful showing!

Enjoy your Sunday!