Monday, April 30, 2012

monday motivation - intention

I made a promise  to live more from intention and less from habit.  Having my sketchbook with me is a good habit but my intentions are to design, create and inspire an artful life.
 After a beautiful weekend full of love and feeling proud of my accomplishments in sharing my new studio and my artwork I realized that all of this would not be possible without the promise to live more from intention and less from habit.

Are you living your life as a creature of habit or are you living from intention.  
We can design and be the change we want.  

Thank-you again to each of you who took the time to visit me in my new studio.  I had one young visitor come both days of the open studio tour.  To me, my intention is not to impress but to inspire.
I felt such joy to know that this young budding artist was so inspired to return to see me.

I would like to wish one special reader all the best in her journey upon retiring and this new day be full of promise to live a life of intention.  Patti, enjoy today and living with the promise of intention.


Elsa Louise said...

Such a lovely emerald world captured in the photo. How lucky you are to live among all that luscious verdancy.

Visiting your site makes me feel at peace.

Purple Flowers said...

Patricia: I am so happy for you. I would have loved to come see your art studio, however, I was away. Best wishes for a very successful life venture.

pve design said...

Elsa Louise,
I love your name....same as that of my Grandmother.
We called her Grandma Elsie. Love to see your artwork!
Thanks for your kind comments.

Please come when you can, no to share my studio with you and give you a personal tour.

The Buzz Blog said...

Thought about you this weekend and what fun you must have had showing off your beautiful work and inspiring all. Love this quote and will make sure to add it to my inspiration board.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I'm happy your tour was a success! Making a difference in a young artist life is the icing on the cake I imagine! I think I'm living me life in habit....I'm a creature of habit...I need to step out and live with more intention! Happy Monday !

the gardener's cottage said...

what perfect words to start a new week with. intention makes the difference. thanks for the reminder patricia.

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

What a great philosophy.... congratulations on your beautiful studio and successful open house.

I Dream Of said...

Such a lovely post and inspiring start to a new week. As I shake up my life a bit, it's the perfect time to think about what my intentions should be. It makes me so pleased and happy to think of all those who were inspired by you and your studio during the tour! Congratulations and happy week!

home before dark said...

So glad your open house was successful. It had to be because of your open heart.

Acquired Objects said...

I have to admit I'm a creature of habit all the way around. So your advice is good for me to start living a little more from intention. Glad to hear your open house was a success.


Kwana said...

What a beautiful quote and the show at you new studio was amazing. I loved it. Fantastic job! I'm so happy for you in your new space.

I'm a creature of habit but do like to learn and am learning every day. It makes life an adventure. And yes we must live with the right intention in our hearts and in our actions.

Joyce said...

Sounds like a "golden" weekend my friend. xo

MJH Design Arts said...

Congratulations!! Following set intentions is not so easy as it would appear--that walking on water thing is rather difficult. I usually find my feet are still about 1 ft. under the surface. Thank you for your intention. Mary

BRASWELL said...

Just a wonderful thought to start this wonderful week/month with. Thank you