Wednesday, April 04, 2012

like water

My daughter will be moving into her brother's old room and she specifically requested blue "like water" for the walls.

The above cerulean blue juxtaposed with these gorgeous antiques adds a refreshing vibe.
 On one wall there will be an image of the surf because my girl loves to swim.

Plus, my girl loves Fashion and this color blue seems to be popping up everywhere.

 The carpet (which must stay) is a camelhair color which reminded me of this and of the warm sand at the beach.
 My daughter loves books and would love a cozy chair for reading which translates into late night no sleeping sleep-overs.  Every parent knows sleepovers mean staying up late, chatting into the wee hours and waking to enjoy brunch dressed in one's pajamas.

 van Gogh's blossoms will inspire the room to have touches of white.
She also asked for white linens, suddenly after all those years of Oililly gingham and splashy prints, she craves a more grown up classic white.
How fun to add a bohemian touch with an assortment of pillows.
We will rummage and see what we have on deck so as not to be accused of spending money "like water."  Well, water is the inspiration for her room.


Anonymous said...

The aqua's are beautiful and it sounds like a real teen room. Sleepovers always seem to be laughter and cushions scattered on the floor, so a bundle of bohemian pillows would be perfect!

Anonymous said...

Love that blue and it will be perfect with the camel carpet. You should be able to find lots of gorgeous vintage style fashion posters with those shades! xx

Anna (My Design Ethos)

Ann said...

What a wonderful choice of color.
Can't wait to see how her room would look like after you're finished with your magic.

Glamour Drops said...

Sounds absolutely heavenly. Sophisticated, but still fresh. Oh she is one lucky girl!

Holly Gruszka said...

Your inspiration picks are really great - the blue will be so pretty with white linens, some fun pillows, and the camel color carpeting. Can't wait to see it evolve for your daughter.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love the color choice.....sad when they make that transition into more adult rooms! I'm sure your creative juices are flowing and it will be spectacular !

Ivy Lane said...

Can't wait for a peek!

Kwana said...

I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I have a feeling I'll be wanting to sleep over in this pretty room.

Unknown said...

That is my all time favorite color of blue. She'll be swimming in her dreams with walls as pretty as those!

xo Elizabeth

Joyce said...

Yes, your girls has style! My fingers are cross she will let you share the room with us. xo

Unknown said...

Oh, you two will do the magic! What a treat for her to move into a little bigger space! There will be lot's of fun in laying it all out!
Planing is at least half of the enjoyment!
I love that bright, invigorating blue!
White and coral red are great accents to it!

MJH Design Arts said...

It seems as if your daughter has more than a bit of her mother in her genes. Have a wonderful mother/daughter time just being. Have a super Easter.
How is the gallery coming along--so many projects. Mary

Lisa Mende said...

Patricia, you paint with your words as beautifully as on canvas! Can't wait to see the room!