Wednesday, April 25, 2012

hold a candle

As I prepare to stock my shelves for the "River Arts Studio Tour" -  I feel as though I am literally burning the candle brightly to share my work and the many varied applications in which clients may utilize my artwork.   I still would love the chance to have my work in a gallery show one day but for now I love knowing that my artwork has been used for so many wonderful things, blog headers, home illustrations, shop illustrations, web sites, invites, holiday cards, interiors, weddings, pet portraits, press kits, magazines and media and packages too.  Can you see my artwork on the box?

It makes me smile to know that my work is admired by many, for that I am full of gratitude.


Michelle said...

Your work is more than inspiring have a special gift! And are part of memories in many homes :) Including my sister's.

Gonna be in the city in the middle of May if you are around, I would love to share a nice meal, and some time together. :)


Glamour Drops said...

Well if one has talent, it shouldn't be held back for just a few to enjoy. And talent, my dear, you have in spades! Your paintings have an actual life to them, as if they are lit with their own little candles.

Anonymous said...

your work is beautiful and everyone who has recieved a card from me has loved the artwork!

Acquired Objects said...

How very exciting for you and if you want to have a showing in a gallery you will just keep working towards your goal. Shouldn't be long from what I can tell since you have an amazing talent.

Enjoy your day!

Joyce said...

Yes I can see a piece of PVE!! A beautiful box and gift for anyone to receive. Breath and slowly exhale my friend. xo

quintessence said...

I love your beautiful artwork on the Diane James candle - the perfect pairing!! And thank you Patricia for your lovely comments - you are too kind.

I Dream Of said...

We are grateful for an inspired by your art, Patricia. Thanks for letting your light shine. I love how versatile your talent is and how you can make so many things beautiful!

I'm sure your studio tour will be a delight. XO

Jennifer C. Webb said...

you set such a great example of an artist as businesswoman...excelling at both

LindsB said...

you artwork really is enjoyed by many- you are so talented!!! You make my apartment a home with your artwork and I love enjoying it everyday!!

Formerly known as Frau said... on the box! Your art is so beautiful in any form.

Unknown said...

Your artwork surrounds me each and every day...and I feel blessed b/c of it! I gave these candles to all my out of town friends last Christmas and can't wait for the newest fragrance Diane James Home is unveiling with pve!!!!

Get some'll need to rested for the tour!! :)
xoxo Elizabeth

Unknown said...

You are a wonderfully talented artist and you are recognized! I can't wait to see the Studio walk and to see you in your brand new studio as well!
I love your work!

xoxo said...

I'm so excited for the tour - can't believe it is already here! You are incredibly gifted - I love that I can recognize your work whenever I see it - you have such a wonderful style. Each time I see something you have done I want it! I will look forward to seeing the photos from the big day - ENJOY!!!!! xo Sherri

Emily said...

I agree with so many of the sentiments above... I hope everything goes amazingly and that you have a wonderful time. Eleanor and I can't wait to see your studio in June!!!

Good luck this weekend!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

i love that you & carolyn have joined forces. i am going to need to see if i can get some international shipping on that candle. i need to support two of my favorite bloggers! :)