Tuesday, April 03, 2012

fancy this

 This morning while I wait for the delivery of the table for my design studio, I will be tuning in to watch Noel of Fanciful designs on Martha Stewart this morning at 10 am share her passion for fancy flowers made with paper. Click here.
One of my favorite flowers is the gardenia, not only for the heady scent but for the fancy design.
 A glorious fancy cross for Easter or a First Communion.
Fancy flower napkin rings for a bride and groom.
I love these fanciful designs.

Wishing Noel a fancy time on Martha.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Wow they are fancy alright! People's talent amazes me..I wonder what my hidden talent is and if I'll ever find it! Have a wonderful day!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

hope you will share your studio table, would love to see it

Unknown said...

So glad to know she'll be on. I tape the show and watch it after my boys are in bed. Looking forward to seeing her artistry!

Happy day, Patricia!
xoxo Elizabeth

Karena said...

Noel is so talented and her creations are lovely beyond! So excited she is on Martha's Show!

I hope you will Come and enter my amazing Cross Bottle Guy Giveaway!You will love it! very spiritual works or art.

Art by Karena

Jalon Burton said...

WOW - what a unique trick! Love those gorgeous flowers. Thanks so much for sharing. Jalon

Unknown said...


We can all use a little more fancy in our lives. Especially some as stunning as these. It's a good thing! Ready to see your new table too!


Joyce said...

I love gardenia too! They smell so wonderful and yet so fragile. xo

Mr Paul said...

Gorgeous, Gardenias are one of my favourites too. I'd love to try this.
