Thursday, April 05, 2012

design studio dream

 The table was delivered.  I love seeing it fill the space and inspecting it from every angle. Like a child I marvel and feel the wonder of my dream studio take shape.  Most artists crave northern light.  I crave Southern light and always find myself seeking the sun to radiate warmth and light.  My studio faces South.  Just look at that light.  It is heavenly.
Hard to see, but the table has a nice shine.....also hard to see is my dog in the bottom left corner trying to get in the action.  Bookshelf is here and ready to be assembled.  Art easels on order.  Chairs to come.

Have you ever had a dream and the wake up to find it was not a dream but a reality.
A client is coming today.....I can hardly wait.

images of pve design art studio


Special 'K' said...

Looks like it is all taking shape. Can't wait to see your finished project. Take Care. Happy Easter. Cheers SpecialK XoXo

Anonymous said...

Your studio is looking great, fabulous large windows. Have a wonderful Easter!

Purple Flowers said...

So happy for you! You create dreams come true for people.

Anna Spiro said...

Looking fantastic Patricia! Xx

the gardener's cottage said...

oh this is sheer perfection. i can just picture you in it - the ultimate accessory!

congrats on a dream come true.

Kwana said...

It is a heavenly space. I know you will create wonderful art there. Congrats.

I Dream Of said...

What a delight to see your studio take shape and think of all the wonderful work you'll create there! I'm so happy for your dream come true!! XO

for the love of a house said...

What a wonderful, wonderful space Patricia!! I can see why you love it! Love the new table. Congratulation on your dream coming true!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

how exciting, love the light and clean lines!

Town and Country House said...

How exciting--looks like a great space! And so glad you are facing South ;)

Belle on Heels said...

What a special space. So excited for you and your dream coming true!

Summer is a Verb said...


Acquired Objects said...

I waited fourteen years for my studio so I know how you're feeling. I used to sit up in our empty shell of a carriage barn and dream. Then one day the husband came home and said let's renovate....Your studio is coming together so nicely Patricia.


Stephanie Sabbe said...

yay! love it

Lisa Mende said...

Oh how I wish I was there to celebrate this new space with you!!!! It looks awesome! Love it! Congrats! Think I will have a glass of champagne to celebrate you and your new studio!!!

Amanda C. Bee said...

Your space is looking magnificent! Congratulations! Have a wonderful holiday!

Joyce said...

It looks more beautiful than the first time I saw it!! I'm so happy my friend and can't wait to see what you create ours of your new space. xo

debra @ 5th and state said...

congrats patricia, your space is so large & bright, love it
sweet dreams

home before dark said...

So wonderful to watch dreams come true. Not surprising you crave the southern light.

Unknown said...

SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Your very own studio. I'll bet you've worked hard for it. I'm an artist too, and where I paint is right in the middle of our dining area. (North light for me) I'm always setting up and taking down. Would love to someday have my own space! Way to go! And, have a great Easter too!

Lisa Mende said...

I love how this is coming together! I mentioned this in my blog today....go see! Have a great day Patricia!!! Thanks for sharing!

Fran said...

I love what you're doing with your studio! Those pendants are fantastic and I'm so with you regarding southern light. We rented a beach house once that faced south and I would just stand next to the window and let the sun warm me up!! It's so therapeutic!

lkafka said...

Am an interior designer too. Looking at your pictures am left wondering what is going up on your wall space? You have such a wide, wonderful, empty canvas and creative imagination...what are your plans?

annie@mostlovelythings said...

I can't wait to see it Patricia! It's going to be great. I love those big windows, the table, the floor...very exciting!